I'm in the process of moving my Linux From Scratch build system to be 
managed by Jenkins (I can check up on the build using a Jenkins Android 
app).  However, I'm stumbling through examples of non-Java build 
configuration scripts that some folks have put out there for GCC and Linux 
kernel builds.  Anyone in the group built a build management framework for 
a GNU/Linux OS like Linux From Scratch?  From the Jenkins kernel build code 
below (not mine), I can see that I'm going to have a large number of shell 
tasks since I'm going to be building (on top of LFS 7.1) a large number 
(~200) of packages in addition to the kernel, and squirting out an ISO from 
this (for a Live DVD).  Appreciate any pointers from the local SMEs.  

=== Sample Jenkins XML for a kernel build (note use of NullSCM) ===

   1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   2. <project>
   3.   <actions/>
   4.   <description></description>
   5.   <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
   6.   <properties/>
   7.   <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
   8.   <canRoam>true</canRoam>
   9.   <disabled>false</disabled>
   10.   <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false
   11.   <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false
   12.   <triggers class="vector">
   13.     <hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger>
   14.       <spec>@weekly</spec>
   15.     </hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger>
   16.   </triggers>
   17.   <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild>
   18.   <builders>
   19.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   20.       <command># set up build env
   21. rm -rf $WORKSPACE/*</command>
   22.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   23.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   24.       <command># determine latest grsecurity version
   25. VERSION=`curl --silent https://grsecurity.net/test.php | egrep -o 
   &quot; | head -n 1 | egrep -o &quot;3\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+&quot;`
   27. # grab tarball
   28. curl --silent 
   29. tar -xf linux.tar.bz2
   31. # set it up
   32. mv linux-* stage</command>
   33.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   34.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   35.       <command># download grsecurity
   36. PATCH=`curl --silent https://grsecurity.net/test.php | egrep -o 
   &quot; | head -n 1`
   37. curl --silent https://grsecurity.net/$PATCH 
   38. </command>
   39.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   40.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   41.       <command># neoice.net local patch
   42. cp /usr/src/kernel/neoice.patch $WORKSPACE/stage</command>
   43.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   44.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   45.       <command># apply patches
   46. cd $WORKSPACE/stage
   47. patch -p1 &lt; grsecurity.patch
   48. patch -p1 &lt; neoice.patch</command>
   49.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   50.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   51.       <command># kernel config
   52. cd $WORKSPACE/stage
   53. cp /usr/src/kernel/config $WORKSPACE/stage/.config
   54. make oldconfig</command>
   55.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   56.     <hudson.tasks.Shell>
   57.       <command>cd $WORKSPACE/stage
   58. make -j7 deb-pkg</command>
   59.     </hudson.tasks.Shell>
   60.   </builders>
   61.   <publishers>
   62.     <hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver>
   63.       <artifacts>*.deb</artifacts>
   64.       <latestOnly>false</latestOnly>
   65.     </hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver>
   66.   </publishers>
   67.   <buildWrappers/>
   68. </project>

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