Dear Noam, thank you for interesting, our situation is quite critical! If you want i can check for the md5sum but i did this test today:
1) downloaded to my pc the jar produced from jenkins taking it from ws/target/appname.jar 2) downloaded to my pc the jar stored from jenkins in artifactory from the artifactory web site. 3) opened the jar from jenkins check with success and the archive contains all class file. 4) open the jar from artifactory and that jar was broken (7zip was unablet to extract!!) 5) check the dimensions.. and where different. So.. i also noticed that in jenkins when i run the build, on the left, there is the box with the last executions for the project youŕe looking (Build History (trend) graph). Usually the plugin puts an artifactory icon, with the dimension of the stored package.. i noticed that the last builds (successful) have the artifactory icon..but not dimension! When this icon has no dimension of the package closer, i found a broken package on the artifactory. Let me know if i can give you more info.. to help me to find a solution.. or check if it's a real bug. Thank you! Federico 2012/5/9 Noam Y. Tenne <> > Hi Federico, > > Are you certain the package is damaged only after being deployed? > I trust that you've compared the checksums of the produced artifact > that's archived by Maven/Jenkins and the checksums of the artifact > that's deployed? > Perhaps you've got some sort of proxy or firewall between Jenkins and > Artifactory that might alter the artifact on the way? or maybe network > issues? > > Cheers, > Noam > > On May 9, 5:32 pm, Federico Paolantoni <> > wrote: > > Dear List > > i'm having big troubles with jenkins and artifactory: > > Jenkins version 1.477.1 running on tomcat. > > > > Artifactory 2.6.0 running on tomcat with postgresql. > > Maven 3.0.2 > > Jdk 1.6.0_30-b12 > > artifactory plugin: > > 2.0.7< >> > > > > Actually even if the build run with succes, and the jar is produced... > the > > uploaded package is broken. > > > > How can i fix this issue? > > Where should i find the log about this? > > > > This is a big issue for us, because the application deployed on all > > environments dev, test, qa, prod are under controlo of Jenkins-ci. > > Now we're stopped to find the solution to this issue! > > > > Thank you > -- Federico Paolantoni ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in the present communication and the related attachment can be classified as reserved and are, however, destined exclusively to the persons or the over indicated Society are forbidden, according the Italian Laws, D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 "Code in matter of protection of the personal data" and of the art. 616 c.p. if you have received this e-mail in error please destroy any copies and delete it from your computer system. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------