Dear all, OpenSC free software project is using Jenkins to make software releases and compile on a farm and would like to thank the community for their hard word.
Just one question: we would like to automate a number of regression tests on slaves. To be more precise, we would like to install OpenSC latest packages and run a number of regression tests. These regression tests are simple commands. The problem is that our test show that a Jenkins slave should have at least 2Gb memory to work. But we would like to use PCEngines embedded boards for testing. These board have only 256Mb onboard memory. This is enough to run GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, but not start a real Jenkins slave. So what would you suggest to be able to connect to low memory clients without starting a slave? Shall we simple run a command on a slave with 2Gb memory with SSH command to execute remotely anywhere? Or is there a more elegant solution available as a plugin? Kind regards, Jean-Michel Pouré GOOZE smartcards