
I really would like to warn again on this issue.
My matrix build seems not to clean automatically the artifacts of the
configurations, so this will lead (again) into fulfill my storage. Can
anyone confirm on it or if I should open a new ticket?
I think this is a major issue.


2012/4/18 Gaetan <gae...@xeberon.net>

> Hello
> I have seen a strange behavior on my matrix job:
> - the master job is correctly cleaned, for instance, after a month if
> configured so, the artifacts are dropped and the build are correctly deleted
> - however this is not the case for the axis jobs, if i go into the page of
> one I can see a very long list of build not having been correctly deleted
> (not synchronized with the master). I'm not taking about master/slave
> machine, but the "builds" directory in:
> ~/jenkins/jobs/MyJobName/configurations/axis-FOO/foo/axis-BAR/bar/builds
> not beeing synchronised with
> ~/jenkins/jobs/MyJobName/builds/
> Since each build takes 400 Mo on a 2 axis builds (4 configurations), we
> quickly run out of disk space !
> Also, sometimes I cannot remove a given build (it says it cannot be
> removed because another one is "kept"). It is linked?
> Thanks a lot.
> -----
> Gaetan

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