Around about 04/04/12 09:05, typed ...
If all you do in your job config is tick the "Editable email notification"
option, then it only sends an email on failure (not unstable). Is that the
email you are getting?

Yes; I've set up a test job that just fails and is configured to email me. I get that email (and that is reported in the job output). I added some lines to the “Default Content” after $DEFAULT_CONTENT, but don't see those lines in the email I receive.

  There are no errors in Jenkins' log.

If you look at the console log for any job, then right at the bottom, you
can see what emails were sent. That might help.

  It says it's sending an email;  I just get the Jenkins default email.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what Email-Ext does; I read it that it extends the built in email functionality. So, where I already have email set up (e.g., this test job), and then tick “Editable Email Notification”, I get the Email-Ext customisations for me emails.

Is that not the case? Do I have to *disable* the default email settings (“E-mail Notification”) and only set up Email-Ext?

But then, at the moment I would appear to have both set up, and I don't get 2 emails (the global “Extended E-mail Notification/Override Global Settings” *isn't* ticked, so it should be seeing my default email config.)

[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit

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