
you could try to use the https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/URLTrigger+Plugin instead of the "Build Periodically" trigger.

The URL trigger can periodically check if the content of an URL has changed (any much more...). Your trigger URL should point to the artifact you are relying on, e.g. http://<YOUR_JENKINS>/job/<YOUR_BUILD_JOB>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/<YOUR_WEBAPP>.war.

Does this work for you?

candrews (30.03.2012 18:07):
I have Jenkins configured to build and deploy a web application I'm
working on as 2 projects:
"Build" which compiles the application. It has "Archive the artifacts"
set to save the resulting artifacts.
"Deploy" which uses "Copy artifacts from another project" to get the
artifacts from "Build" then deploy them to the server. The "Build
Trigger" is set to "Build Periodically" every hour.

The problem I'd like to solve is that the "Deploy" project does the
deployment every hour - even if the the artifacts it's using from the
"Build" project haven't changed. This means that in the middle of the
night, when no one builds have been done, deploys are still happening.

Is there any way I can make the "Deploy" project only run if the
artifacts it depends on have changed?

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