Hi Daniel,

that is a wish probably many of us have in different situations ;)
As example: I would like to use vars or regex in URL for SCM check
out. That would reduce the amount of jobs significantly.
Using more jobs makes it easier.

The question is, do you just want to use some specific jobs instead of
all or do you want to split each downstream job into its own config
Just to bring each downstream job into a separate configuration
segment can be done with the parametrized trigger plugin.
A dynamic method is a bit more tricky.

There is a dirty way to do it, well... 2 actually... Everybody asides
of Daniel should look the other way ^^
What you should install:
- exclusive execution Jenkins plugin
- startup trigger Jenkins plugin
- GNU sed/awk

You have to split your job into several build jobs.
Job #1 runs "normally" and has an additional build step.
The build step manipulates config.xml of job #3  to amend the
parametrized build call to match the needed downstream names and to
set the boolean value of the startup trigger plugin to true.

Job #2 does simply restart the server either with http://hudson_url/restart
(easiest with sfk, curl or wget) or by restarting the service itself
on OS level with the command 'start /B CMD /C "sc stop jenkins && sc
start jenkins"'. The latter is used if Jenkins does not allow
anonymous and your authentification method does not work with the
Jenkins CLI (e.g. TeamForge as auth realm).
This job has "Set exclusive execution" enabled. The job is then first
executed when all other running jobs have finished.

Job #3 will run automatically after restart.
Last build step here will "reset" the config.xml of job #3.  It will
set  the boolean value of the startup trigger plugin to false to
prevent an automated run after a restart.
Finally does job #3 call job #2 to put the changes into effect.

Job#2 is separated for a simple reason. A restart from a build would
always leave the build history empty as the server restarts
unexpected. That's not good for your productive build jobs. The job
would not have the time to write the build history log to state the
status of the job. But that's ok for job #2.

You could also copy templates to job #3 instead of using regex
manipulation. You need then a parameter as switch to determine which
config template has to be copied. It's up to you but this approach is
static compared to the regex manipulation. ;)

Hope this helped

On 28 Mrz., 10:33, Daniel Tkatch <daniel.tka...@smeet.com> wrote:
> I would like a Jenkins job to trigger others according to a regular
> expression matching of their names or at least using wildcards. At the
> moment I can only trigger multiple downstream jobs if I list them all
> comma separated.
> TestSuite-production -> *Test-production
> instead of
> TestSuite-production -> FirstTest-production, SecondTest-production,
> ThirdTest-production, ...
> Does somebody know a plugin or another possible which would make it
> possible?
> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel

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