Hi Ken,

Ok ... you are not dreaming but I am not really awake yet ;) on the
other hand, dreamiong is good, that imporves your creativity XD
Only your scripting skills and imagination define the limits of what
you can do with Jenkins.

Do you have at least TWO build slots available on Jenkins?
Else it can work as ken-all is kept as active build and another build
slot will be used to work on the downstream jobs ;)

Build jobs:
- SVN_REVISION and MAILTO has the information available regarding the
SVN_Revision and I suppose the mailto points out which receipients
will receive an email? That job should also trigger the build of the
software for your OSses (ken-android, ken-ios)
- ken-android, ken-ios build the variants for your OSses
- ken-join finally send the email(s)

Let me try to unwrap this.
job #1 contains the "parametrized build"/"build other project" (what
ever) that spawns the build jobs for your OSses and the join plugin
        - parameterized with SVN_REVISION and MAILTO should do this.
Eventually you would have to run a build step, that gets you the
needed information for your eMail. This could mean that you have to
store the retrieve information to a property file to make these
information available to upstream or forked jobs.
This file can be used with "Parameters from properties file" from "Add
Parameters" in the join plugin section but that's different
story...yet *bg*
- join trigger
     - Run post-build actions at join:
           - Trigger when build is: to_what_you_need
           - Current build parameters/Parameters from properties file
           - Trigger parameterized build on other projects: ken-join
(if this jobs is supposed to send the email notification)

I don't see the point in " Trigger parameterized build on other
projects: ken-android, ken-ios" that should be done by "SVN_REVISION
and MAILTO".
I think you have some redundant stuff here that makes your life hard
and your job more complex as it would have to be.

ken-all has 3/5 jobs (depends if you count the join jobs too) and 2
are blocking. This looks weird. Is some job connected to ken-all,
SVN_REVISION and MAILTO or ken-android, ken-ios?
You should be able to see in the build queue which job is hung.

Try to break the job into smaller steps to determine where the cause

Take care

On 27 Mrz., 22:49, kenstir <kens...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My goal is to launch an "all-platforms" job with parameters (SVN rev and
> email addresses) that spawns multiple jobs.  When all jobs are done I would
> prefer a single email with the SVN rev and email addresses and success
> status of all jobs.  Am I dreaming?
> So far I tried the Join Plugin and I am not happy.  The only thing that
> works is to have an unparameterized job as the join trigger.
> The way I tried to implement it was this:
> all-platforms job: ken-all
>   - parameterized with SVN_REVISION and MAILTO
>   - Trigger parameterized build on other projects: ken-android, ken-ios
>   - join trigger
>      - Run post-build actions at join:
>          Trigger parameterized build on other projects: ken-join
>          Trigger when build is: Complete
> When I run it, the downstream jobs do not get run and I see this in the
> console:
> Started by user anonymous <http://vir0kca.office.vivox.com:8080/user/null>
> Building remotely on buildmac1 
> <http://vir0kca.office.vivox.com:8080/computer/buildmac1> in workspace 
> /Users/jenkins/workspace/ken-all
> Project ken-all still waiting for 2 builds to complete
> [parameterized-trigger] Downstream builds will not be triggered.
> [parameterized-trigger] Downstream builds will not be triggered.
> Notifying upstream projects of job completion
> Finished: SUCCESS
> My Environment:
>   jenkins 1.457
>   Join Plugin 1.13
>   Build Pipeline Plugin 1.2.3
>   Parameterized Trigger Plugin 2.13
> Suggestions welcome!
> Regards,
> Ken

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