I'm trying to do something I think is pretty typical with the 
promoted_builds plugin, but I'm running into problems. Here's what I want 
to do-
1. Run a maven build
2. Preserve its pom.xml and target/*.jar
3. Create a promotion step where I push this jar to nexus.

I've tried two different approaches with limited success-

*Approach 1- Everything in one project*
1. Mark pom.xml,target/*jar as archived artifacts
2. Add a deploy to maven repo promotion action
3. Execute the manual promotion
I get this error-

Legacy code started this job.  No cause information is available
Building in workspace 
Promoting sample #25
[ERROR] No artifacts are recorded. Is this a Maven project?
build hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.tasks.RedeployBatchTaskPublisher@42b215c8 
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Finished: FAILURE

*Approach 2 - Using a second project for deploying to nexus*
1. Create a deploy project (type maven 2)
2. Set up promotion stage to trigger deploy project
3. Promotion project uses artifact copy to copy pom.xml,target/*jar in 
place, using a specific build number of $PROMOTED_NUMBER
4. Add post build step to push to nexus

When I use this approach, I can get it to work with a permalink, but I 
can't seem to pass the proper build number. 
I get this error. It seems like the artifacts copy plugin isn't resolving 

Building in workspace 
ERROR: Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report this to 
 For input string: "$PROMOTED_NUMBER"
Also, the promotion reports a failure as success.

I should note that if I add a post build step to deploy to nexus, it works, so 
I'm sure my dpeloyment settings are good.

Does anybody have any advice of how to set this up properly? As I said before, 
if I could get it in one project that would be optimal, but any paproach that 
works would be most welcome.

I'm running jenkins 1.456 and promoted builds plugin 2.4

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