Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply! 

Based on your message, I started playing with the different ways of plugin 
updates and with the Jenkins installation itself. What I notices is the 
Before changing anything, [jenkins]\plugins\ contains a translation.jpi 
with time stamp 3/23/12 9:39 and a folder translation.

I manually upload the 1.9 hpi of the "Translation Assistance Plugin". In 
the installation folder [jenkins]\plugins there is still a file 
translation.jpi but now with timestamp 3/23/12 11:34 This is somehow what I 
would expect since I uploaded the file (with *hpi extension though).

I restart Jenkins and now, translation.jpi has the former timestamp again 
3/23/12 9:39. So apparently, the update has no effect and simply was 

Next try:
I shut down Jenkins, remove the [jenkins]\plugins\translation.jpi and the 
[jenkins]\plugins\translation folder. I restart Jenkins and the folders 

Where do they come from? Is it possible that Jenkins simply overrides 
anything which I upload/update while starting? 

I must do something fundamentally wrong...


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