Oh yes, you need to define subject up near the top of the script and change the final call to send_mail(). Eg: import smtplib import os from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate from email import Encoders
myRelease = os.environ.get("BUILD_STRING") files=["myData.xml","myDataNightly_Previous.xml","myDataRelease_Previous.xml", "myReport.html"] to=["an.ema...@address.com","an.ema...@address.com","an.ema...@address.com"] text1 = "To everyone\n\nmyData.xml has changed following the latest build :- " text2 = myRelease text3 = "\r\n\nSee attached files\r\n\r\nReleases are in\"\\\\netdrive \Product source code\Tagged\", \r\n\nNightly files are in \"\\\ \netdrive\Product source code\Nightly\"\r\n\nRegards,\r\n\nJenkins\r \n" text = text1+text2+text3 subject="myNewEmailSubject" # Send the email via our own SMTP server. def send_mail(to, subject, text, fromWho="", files=[], cc=[], bcc=[], etc etc send_mail(to, subject, text, "jenkins", files)