
Thank you for answers.

Could I ask you about Discard builds functionality?

I have there more than a half year old builds. When I set 30 days then
I would like to ask you if the older builds are deleted when jenkins
is starting or when the same job is building?



2012/3/19 Didier Durand <durand.did...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> To disable plugin via the HDD, you can have to delete them in
> $JENKINS_HOME/plugins (bot .hpi file and directory with same name
> regards
> didier
> Le dimanche 18 mars 2012 22:16:44 UTC+1, zakyn a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have problem that Jenkins is getting slower and slower and it is not
>> possible to manage plugins. So I would lilke to ask you how I can
>> disable plugin directly on HDD.
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Vladimir

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