OK, that makes sense.  Being a total n00b at Jenkins, can I have
multiple environments that I send the script(s) to?  If the answer is
yes, then I will dive into the documents and post any follow up
questions I may have.



On Mar 18, 3:16 am, Didier Durand <durand.did...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> You should have the common part of your build as a 1st job abd then apply
> patches as downstream jobs of the 1st one.
> regards
> didier
> Le dimanche 18 mars 2012 02:44:34 UTC+1, Craigbert a écrit :
> > Hello All,
> > I am working on a project where we have multiple patches that need to
> > be applied to different database environments (all Oracle) at
> > different times.  The patches consist of things like ALTER scripts,
> > Create/Replace Views, CREATE Tables, etc..
> > Is this something that Jenkins could be configured to do?
> > If so, could someone point me in the appropriate direction?
> > Thanks,
> > Craigbert

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