I've had the same problem and tqrst IRC reported it in #jenkins aswell. I've asked in the channel for the update to be taken down, but that request has been ignored :(
When I get a chance, I'm going to get a test install running to log a bug. On Friday, 17 February 2012 17:37:27 UTC, talksmall wrote: > > I'm a relative n00b to Jenkins. > > I've used Cruisecontrol for years, but having got fed up with its > limitations I thought I'd give Jenkins a try. I installed version 1.44 > and started with a few test projects. Initial impressions were great. > Easy configuration and much better scheduling of downstream > dependencies. > > So I moved the rest of my projects across and for about a month, > everything was great. > > Then I noticed that there was a new version (2.0) of the CVS plugin > available. It seemed to offer some improvements for polling, multiple > modules, etc. So I enabled the upgrade, after which everything went to > hell. > > All my project files got corrupted, builds on different branches got > confused with one another, the old change logs from previous builds > are no longer readable by the new version. > > Worse still, my attempt to revert to the previous version of the > plugin left the project configuration modifications made by 2.0 in > place. 1.6 can't understand the new format and all the repository info > got discarded. > > Now I'm stuck. I can't move forward or go back. It seems that 2.0 adds > a new local name to the CVS info which is used the first time the > project is checked out, but then apparently ignored, which leads to > confusion in subsequent builds on the same server. I tried going > through the configurations of all the projects, trying to fix them, > but they just got corrupted again the second time each project got > built. > > All in all, quite a sickening experience. > > Since I really like the Jenkins interface, I'm going to persevere and > junk the corrupted project and workspace state. I'll also revert back > to the old version of the CVS plugin and then recreate my projects > from scratch. > > I just wanted to post this as a warning - if you value your project > state, don't upgrade the CVS plugin from 1.6 to 2.0 > > Regards, Steve