Around about 13/03/12 16:22, Mark Waite typed ...
I thought it was recommended not to use "devenv" for command line builds
in Visual Studio (at least in older versions of Studio) for precisely this
reason.  I thought the devenv script started the IDE, then the devenv
script exited, even though the IDE continued to run.

No, devenv *is* the IDE (not a script), and when launched as we do runs in batch mode (no GUI). In this case, it's devenv that can be seen still running in the background.

We've been doing this for years with no real issues. The thing is that now we're trying in VMs (which is what I'm suspicious of) and then doing 4 at a time, although I think we still get the same issue when just doing one.

The worry for me is that the batch file being deleted is a “hudson” file, so no-one else (like devenv) should want anything to do with it, or, indeed, know it exists. I'm guessing that the .bat file itself is simply the copy of the batch script config. from the job.

Since the devenv process is still ongoing, maybe the cmd in charge still has the .bat open and that's why it can't be deleted ... but then, why does Jenkins want to?

All that said ... I *am* running devenv in a funky sub-process in order to parse its build output into HTML reports, so it's probably worth trying to simplify that as an investigation.

  Although that, again, is something we've been doing fine for ages.

[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit

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