Hi, not exactly what you are searching for, but maybe your requirement could be integrated in the email-ext plugin, too. https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-3430
Maybe this gets faster into the official releases if you vote for this ticket, too. Dirk 2012/3/9 sarchule <sarchu...@gmail.com>: > I ran into a situation today where a unit test (MSTest) timed out. This was > not counted as a failure and looking at the "Latest Test Result" table, it > was not obvious that anything was wrong. This table lists failures, skipped, > and total test columns, but the stats looked no different than any other > run. Therefore, I'd like to set up a mechanism such that if the total # > tests decreases (e.g., someone has inadvertently removed tests) or if the > total # of successful tests has decreased (e.g., the timeout situation > above), it will send an e-mail notification. > > Is there a straightforward way to do this for the currently running job? I > was thinking of using the remote API to grab the test stats, but it doesn't > seem like I can do this within the current job. Is it possible to do this > using a post-build step (perhaps using some post-build plugin) or do I need > to set up a downstream job which can process the test stats from the > upstream job? > > Regards, > Steve -- Never trust a short-haired guru