maybe the "create job advanced" plugin can help:

Dynamic permission definitions allow you to automatically grant
permissions to specifig groups at job creation time. You can define a
regular expression to get information from the jobs name. e.g. if all
your jobs follow a naming standard, like this: 'group.GROUP.FreeForm',
you can define a pattern like 'group.(.).(.)' and reuse the
regular expression groups in the group format.

On 07.03.2012, at 15:35, Charles Gagnon wrote:

> We use Jenkins to monitor and run a number of external jobs (mainly)
> and builds. We have started using the project based security and would
> like a setup where user can login and create jobs and only see their
> own jobs (or group related jobs).
> We have something close now as we can permission users to "create
> jobs" but when they do, they don't automatically get permissioned for
> their own jobs and the user gets a error page until someone who has
> overall permissions adds them for this job.
> Seems very hard in general to keep users segregated in groups in
> Jenkins and have them view only what they allowed to.
> We may end-up just doing seperate instances in Jenkins but if someone
> has good advice, it would be welcome at this point.
> Tks

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