The problem is that keychains need to be unlocked to access the contents of it, 
and also that codesign is an untrusted application requesting access to a 
private key. You need to add /usr/bin/codesign as a trusted application to the 
private key via the following steps:

1) Login to the system where you are building as the user
2) Open Keychain Access "/Applications/Utilities/Keychain"
3) Locate your certificate that you are trying to build with (iPhone Developer: 
*) and locate its corresponding private key
4) Right click to "Get Info" of the private key and go to the "Access Control" 
5) Click the plus sign
6) Locate /usr/bin/codesign, and add it
7) Type your keychain password if prompted
8) Ensure that the Xcode plugin is referencing the correct keychain with the 
correct keychain password, or script in a "security unlock-keychain" command

There are some command line ways to do the above but I have never gotten them 
working 100%. If everything is setup as above you should never be prompted for 
access control and everything works just fine. If you're doing any simulator 
testing I believe you need the Jenkins user to be logged into the desktop as 
well - we set this up on our CI boxes with the "Automatic Login" feature found 
under "System Preferences / Users & Groups". To reduce risk you can setup the 
Jenkins user as a standard/unprivileged account.

[] On Behalf Of Arnaud Héritier
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Getting Jenkins to work on Mac with the XCode integration plugin

you'll probably never see it. You'll have to to logon on this account and 
launch manually the codesign command you can see in your build logs
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Hilton Campbell 
<<>> wrote:
I haven't seen that dialog appear. But then, I've never been logged in to the 
desktop as the jenkins user while a build was happening. I'll try that out and 

On Wednesday, March 7, 2012 8:52:28 AM UTC-7, Arnaud Héritier wrote:

  Couldn't it be a problem with the codesign program trying to access to the 
keychain ?
  Did you ask it manually to always allow it ?


On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Hilton Campbell wrote:
Whenever I reboot my Mac, all subsequent Xcode builds fail with "Code Sign 
error: The identity 'iPhone Distribution: Blah blah blah' doesn't match any 
valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain". I have the 
certificate/private key pair it is looking for in my jenkins user's login 
keychain, and my jobs are configured to unlock the keychain, which they do 
successfully according to the build log.

Whenever this happens I try a lot of things, like moving the 
certificate/private key pair to the system keychain, or logging in as the 
jenkins user, or whatever else my desperate Google searches turn up. But then I 
remember what I did to fix it last time, which is to reinstall Jenkins using 
the Mac installer, turning off the install as daemon option and turning on the 
install as jenkins user. Once installation completes, the jobs work again.

Any ideas what it is that the installation is doing that a reboot is undoing?

Arnaud Héritier
Twitter/Skype : aheritier

Arnaud Héritier
Twitter/Skype : aheritier

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