Jenkins hung on me again. It just stops responding to requests. I wish it
would just die so it would be restarted.

Anyway, following along:

Here's the JStack:
Generated with sudo jstack -F 64871

Heres's the JMap:
Generated with sudo jmap -heap 64871

It's OSX. My version of JMap didn't seem to understand what the
-dump:format=b,file=heap.hprof tip in the wiki was going for. Can someone
give me the command line to see how that would work?

Also, I tried to get the core dump, but it seems on OS X they are
suppressed by default, at least according to:

I didn't know to run the ulimit command first, so it seems I don't have a
dump to share.

Suggestions on what to do next time to help diagnose the issue appreciated.

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