
I would also suggest to use the Monitoring plugin to easily diagnose
memory issues in your jvm

At https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Monitoring



On Mar 7, 12:27 am, Sami Tikka <sjti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, check the system log for exceptions. You have probably run out of 
> memory either in heap or in permgen pool. The system log can be viewed 
> easiest by running Console.app in /Applications/Utilities.
> -- Sami
> John Hinnegan <john.hinne...@gmail.com> kirjoitti 6.3.2012 kello 22.17:
> > We recently set up a Jenkins server on OS X.  We had been using Jenkins 
> > prior to this in the cloud, but decided it was worth it to just buy a 
> > little machine to do our builds for us. Now our Jenkins is going 
> > unresponsive -- pretty consistently after 12-18 hours with only a couple of 
> > days of observations. I don't know what the issue is, how can I diagnose?
> > PS. The worst part of this is that the process doesn't die, it just stops 
> > answering requests. If it would actually die, the the process manager would 
> > restart it (which would be more acceptable)

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