Is Jenkins running as a Windows service on the XP machine ? If so it may be 
running under a different user account that does not have permission to the 
Win7 box. When you run the batch file manually you are using your own login 
account which *does* have permission.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Murilo
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 1:37 PM
To: Jenkins Users
Subject: Access denied while trying to copy files


I'm new using Jenkins and I've started just a few days ago. I have a problem 
when I tried to execute a batch file.
What I want to do:
- I have some XML files on a folder in my local machine (where Jenkins is 
- I want to copy these XML files to a folder in another machine, first I delete 
the XML files that are already in that machine, then I copy the new XML files

When I execute "manually" this batch file, everything works fine. All files are 
deleted and the new ones are copied.
But when Jenkins tries to execute the batch file, Jenkins always show the 
message "Access denied" in the console output after DEL (or ERASE) and COPY:

C:\jenkins\jobs\Shiva - ZENDEF\workspace>DEL \\\Jenkins 
\Shiva_ZENDEF\PRJ_ZENDEF\trunk\*.xml /Q Access denied.

C:\jenkins\jobs\Shiva - ZENDEF\workspace>cd PRJ_ZENDEF\trunk\

C:\jenkins\jobs\Shiva - ZENDEF\workspace\PRJ_ZENDEF\trunk>copy *.xml \ 
Access denied.

I'm using Windows XP SP3 in the Jenkins machine and the other is a Windows 7.

Does someone can help me?


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