I should have clarifed that by the term "workspace"....I am referring to
the workspace that Jenkins creates UPON running the job and checking out
the source code from whatever source code repository you are using....
Based on how the build job is defined....this might be an Ant build.xml
that runs and that build script would be creating the artifacts - JARS,
WARS,etc... in that workspace

On Feb 26, 2012 8:30 AM, "Mark Streit" <mcs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Normally the source code you are checking out from source control ....
usually SVN ... will include either an Ant build.xml or a Maven pom.xml.
All of this is brought into the workspace by Jenkins upon checkout.  These
would have targets that include compiling the source in the workspace and
normally include steps that create artifacts such as JAR,  WAR, or EAR
files.  In the Jenkins Configuration for a given job,  you can select steps
to run such as Execute Ant and which targets to trigger, or Execute shell
for say running a command script like a Linux shell script.  I would
reccomend looking at the book titled Jenkins, The Definitive Guide by John
Ferguson Smart if you are totally new to Jenkins.
> ________________________________
> From: Ted Jansen <themcproject...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sun Feb 26 08:09:47 EST 2012
> To: Jenkins Users <jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Building a JAR File
> Hello,
> This may be a noob question.
> How can i build a jar file from jenkins from the workspace folder of a
> project?
> With friendly greets,
> Ted Jansen

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