
We have a pretty similar set up to what you describe.

We use a unique ID based on the build# of the first job in the pipeline.
 This is used to publish to the maven repo in the 1st step and retrieve
artifacts in the subsequent steps.

*Geoff Bullen *
Centrum Systems
Level 8, 5 Elizabeth Street

*0408 659 395 (m)
02 9235 0516 (t)** *

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Jeff <> wrote:

> I'm trying to implement Jenkins with Maven as the build CI/CD tool since
> it does so well with the technologies we are using out of the box instead
> of GO that the larger .NET-based organization is  using.
> I've done Jenkins jobs for stand-alone projects but not jobs chained from
> dependent projects.
> Conceptually, I can see how dependent jobs are configured using the build
> pipeline plugin (though we only have one project so far).  What is unclear
> is how downstream jobs are configured to consume the
> artifacts and/or outputs produced upstream.
> Off the top of my head, how would jobs be created/configured to perform
> the steps in the pipeline sequence below:
>    1. (JOB) Build shared library
>       1. Run Unit tests
>       2. Upload SNAPSHOT to Maven repository (e.g.,
>       Shared-1.6.3-SNAPSHOT-12.jar)
>    2. (JOB) Trigger build of WebApp
>       1. Build WebApp and include latest SNAPSHOT shared library (e.g.,
>       Shared-1.6.3-SNAPSHOT-12.jar)
>       2. Run Unit tests for WebApp
>       3. Upload WAR to repository (e.g., WebApp-1.4.2-SNAPSHOT-6.war)
>    3. (JOB) Deploy WebApp-1.4.2-SNAPSHOT-6.war
>       1. Grab WebApp-1.4.2-SNAPSHOT-6.war
>       2. Deploy to DEV server (tomcat container)
>          1. use DEV file (*not sure how to switch out
>          properties based on deploy env*)
>       4. (JOB) Run Integration tests
>    5. (JOB) Deploy to STAGE environment
>       1. Grab (somehow) WebApp-1.4.2-SNAPSHOT-6.war
>       2. Deploy to ALL STAGE server (tomcat container) nodes (load
>       balanced - two to 4 nodes)
>          1. use STAGE file (*not sure how to switch out
>          properties based on deploy env)*
>       6. (JOB) Run Integration Tests (Validation only?)
>    7. (JOB) Run Load tests
>    8. (JOB) Deploy to LIVE
> I've read through the Jenkins Build pipeline plugin page, but could really
> use some additional perspectives/resources, particularly with steps 3-8.
> Any tips/resources that I should read or insight into how you do this
> would be appreciated.
> --
> Jeff Vincent
> See my LinkedIn profile at:
> I ♥ DropBox <> !!

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