Hi John, John R. Cary wrote (19.02.2012 19:45):
But I want to build the other project only if this project fails. Is that possible?
The https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Parameterized+Trigger+Plugin has a dedicated option to trigger downstream projects _only_ if the current build has failed. The plugin is - by the way - a real swiss army knife for chaining builds, so it's worth a look in any case.
Also, I would like to build once a month at a particular place, until there is a failure, at which point I would like to start building daily until there is a success, after which I would like to go back to the monthly schedule.
You could schedule builds once a month, but in addition use the https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Retry+Failed+Builds+Plugin with a delay of 1440 (=24*60) minutes.
Cheers, Simon.