Hello everybody,

recently I started using slave builds with jenkins.

My configuration is Jenkins on a ubuntu (11.10) box and a slave with windows XP.

With that I ran into the following problem:

I have two versions of java (one jre and one jdk) installed on my windows 
machine. There are reasons I can't stick with only one of them which are beyond 
this discussion.

Now when I run a maven job on this slave it chooses the jre as its java 
location. This is a problem for me as the build needs tools.jar and some other 
libs which are not found this way.

I tried to force the use of the JDK by setting JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME and by 
manually setting the PATH to "" (empty).  Nothing helped.
I also set MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO=on which had no obvious result.

So I tried to debug maven by starting maven from a pre-start step ("mvn -v").
The result was interesting as this maven instance reacted to MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO 
and showed the correct java instance.

So for me it seems that Jenkins somehow bypasses the maven batch (mvn.bat) 
and/or ignores the environment variables set.

Can somebody help me here?

Gerhard Duennebeil


Gerhard Dünnebeil
Safety & Security Department

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