The newest version of the description setter plugin creates a new environment variable with the build description (see JENKINS-17461). This is perfectly fine, but for some strange reason, this description is added to the Ant command line as "-D" parameter, but it is not configured to do so.
Environment varaibles created by the environment-setter plugin are not automatiaclly published to Ant command line, so there seems to be a difference in how the environment plugin sets the env var and this one.
I would expect the DESCRIPTION_SETTER_DESCRIPTION environment variable just be published inside Jenkins, but not automatically added to the command line of Ant (which breaks under certain circumstances with special chars).
This is how it looks like:
As you see in the second line, it adds the DESCRIPTION_SETTER_DESCRIPTION to Ant's command line with no reason. I checked the config, the environment variables passed down are only "-Dargs=..." (created by envinject), but thats configured explicitly.