Simple Loadrunner scenario always times out when ran through Jenkins. The test runs fine when started within Loadrunner. Have tried on multiple machines in the same environment and found this issue. Though on my own personal machine it works fine.
LoadRunner Settings are set to default:
Controller Polling Interval - 30
Scenario Execution Timeout - 10
Errors To Ignore - none
Below is the console output:
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Testing\workspace
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Testing\workspace\HpToolsLauncher.exe" -paramfile props05012015172238713.txt
1 tests found:
05/01/2015 17:22:39 Running: C:\Users****\Downloads\Scenario1.lrs
Cleaning up the environment...
Preparing scenario C:\Users****\Downloads\Scenario1.lrs for execution.
Load Generator localhost connected
Starting scenario...
Error: Scenario Execution timeout (29 seconds) passed.
Error: Scenario Execution timeout ({0} seconds) passed.
Scenario C:\Users****\Downloads\Scenario1.lrs ended.
Analyzing results...
Error: Timeout for Analysis passed.
Analysis Results:
SLA report:
Full Name : Errors Per Second
Measurement : ErrorsPerSecond
CriteriaMeasurement Value : RunningVusers
LoadThresholds value :
status : Passed
Error(s) summary:
0 ignored , 0 errors
Test result: Passed
05/01/2015 17:24:26 Test complete: C:\Users****\Downloads\Scenario1.lrs
Cleaning up the environment...
Run status: Job succeeded, total tests: 1, succeeded: 1, failures: 0, errors: 0
Passed : C:\Users*****\Downloads\Scenario1.lrs
Report archiving mode is set to: DONT_ARCHIVE_TEST_REPORT
Finished: SUCCESS