[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Total time: 1:40.298s
[INFO] [INFO] Finished at: Thu Jan 10 15:58:36 CET 2013
[INFO] [INFO] Final Memory: 38M/247M
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "cvs -z3 -f -q commit -R -F C:\DOCUME~1\lsa_web\LOCALS~1\Temp\scm-commit-message2086459184030940886.txt pom.xml"
[INFO] Working directory: D:\xxxxx
mojoFailed org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1(default-cli)
projectFailed xxx:xxx:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
message : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1:prepare (default-cli) on project xxx: Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The cvs command failed.
Command output:
cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml'
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
cause : Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The cvs command failed.
Command output:
cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml'
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!