
Thorsten Heit commented on JENKINS-13788:


I now have read your description a couple of times, but I'm not sure that I 
fully understand it....

You say projects are being checked out from Git. How? Do you use certain 
(per-job-hardcoded) user credentials for accessing your Git repo(s)? Do you 
access them anonymously?
Who is allowed to access Jenkins and who can start a job? Everyone that has 
access to Jenkins?

{quote}Only one of them, apparently the user generated out of the Git user can 
show information under "Builds"{quote}
Sorry, what do you mean with "the user generated out of the Git user"?

* A username is generated for each user of a Git commit
* If there was accidently no username like "<>" or "login <login@hostname>" or 
"root <root@hostname>" such user IDs ("", "login", "root") will be generated

So how can I...
* delete these accidently created users
* tell Jenkins to see/understand <automatically generated user x> is equal to 
<Crowd user X> or at least map each Git user to a Crow 2 user
* keep Jenkins from generating user IDs for all Git users
Now you've lost me...
How do you "generate" users/usernames?

> Git user and Crowd 2 authenticated user should be equal (one User-Id)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: JENKINS-13788
>                 URL: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-13788
>             Project: Jenkins
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: crowd2, git
>    Affects Versions: current
>         Environment: Jenkins 1.462 on CentOS 5.8 SunJDK 1.7.0_03-b04
> Crowd2 Plugin 1.4
> Git Plugin 1.1.12
> Against Crowd 2.4.2
>            Reporter: Thomas Lehmann
>            Assignee: Thorsten Heit
> This is very complicated to describe. I'll try to describe our setup, our 
> Jenkins configuration's chronology the problem and my assumptions to the 
> current bug...
> I'll describe the whole situation which probably makes the description harder 
> to understand, but I want to provide as much information as possible. Please 
> help me to make this description more specifcally and/or create another issue 
> for separate problems. Thank you. :)
> Setup
> ------
> Jenkins configured to authenticate through Crowd 2 Plugin (works fine so far, 
> also with authorization)
> The authenticated username is Forename Lastname (crowd-userid). Crowd holds 
> the crentral email address of each user.
> Out projects are checked out through Git. Older commits may have malformed 
> auther name and email. Recent commits are all in form Username = 'Forename 
> Lastname' and email = '<The same email address as in crowd>'.
> Cronology
> ----------
> - This Jenkins installation started with no security configured.
> - I can't ensure there was never a Jenkins-based usermanagement configured as 
> this installation was administered by a colleague before.
> - All jobs check out from a Git-Repository
> - Before today the "Peoples" view showed a variety of user id from more or 
> less real "names" (also misleading names like "root", see my assumptions 
> below) over "" through odd usernames like "contextMenu" (we can't figure out 
> what caused this username).
> - Some users seemed to appear twice (this is actually another issue)
> - Today I've configures authentication through the Crowd 2 Plugin
> - Now there are further users, one for each Crowd user that has logged in once
> Problem
> --------
> There are at least 2, sometimes 3 users (obviously depending on how much 
> different Git users exists) in Peoples view. Only one of them, apparently the 
> user generated out of the Git user can show information under "Builds"
> Assumptions
> ------------
> - A username is generated for each user of a Git commit
> - If there was accidently no username like "<>" or "login <login@hostname>" 
> or "root <root@hostname>" such user IDs ("", "login", "root") will be 
> generated
> So how can I...
> ----------------
> - delete these accidently created users
> - tell Jenkins to see/understand <automatically generated user x> is equal to 
> <Crowd user X> or at least map each Git user to a Crow 2 user
> - keep Jenkins from generating user IDs for all Git users
> I know there are other issues and solutions on the web about removing users, 
> but deleting in users/ did not work either. All user-directories are 
> re-generated on Jenkins startup (all having statup date).

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