Ben Golding created JENKINS-13520: ------------------------------------- Summary: No easy way to debug syntax / interpretation issues Key: JENKINS-13520 URL: Project: Jenkins Issue Type: Improvement Components: build-flow Environment: Jenkins 1.460 Build Flow 0.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 64 bit Sun Java 1.6.0_20 Reporter: Ben Golding Assignee: Nicolas De Loof
It's easy to make mistakes in Groovy syntax, especially in nested parallel() constructs. (Part of the reason is multiple meanings of { } in Groovy) Also a user should not need to be a Groovy expert to use this plugin. Suggested improvement is to help the user to find the following classes of errors: [1] Syntax error, causing the Flow to stop. This doesn't always happen right away when building the Flow, but sometimes only after some minutes or even hours! Then the user has to fix it and start the flow again. * The syntax should be checked right after saving the Flow configuration. I guess this could be done by replacing build("job") with a stub which does nothing. * Is there any way to 'compile' (syntax check) a Groovy script? (c.f. "perl -c") [2] Specification / interpretation error: This is worse. The user doesn't see any syntax error, but the jobs are not executed the way he expects. * Can you provide a feature to show the graph of parallel and series build jobs, right after saving the configuration and/or when building the Flow? * It could be implemented in a similar way to the syntax error check, using a stub for build("job") -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA administrators:!default.jspa For more information on JIRA, see: