
Martin Scherer commented on JENKINS-7390:

What is the current status of this issue?

Some of our developers use svn:externals for boost, which adds 1.2 millions 
line of code to every checkout that is made. This code is also checked by our 
static code analysis job every time, which drastically increases the runtime. 
Manually excluding in every seperate tool would be a total mess. In addition 
copying workspace to other slaves takes minutes now (because boost has so many 

Please add support for svn checkout/update --ignore-externals

Thank you,
> Subversion-Plugin - Ignore svn:external
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: JENKINS-7390
>                 URL: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-7390
>             Project: Jenkins
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: subversion
>    Affects Versions: current
>            Reporter: Marc Schoechlin
> Subversion plugin should provide a configuration switch to ignore 
> svn-externals.
> Many projects integrate opensource projects in the following way:
> $ svn propset svn:externals "getline 
> http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/mcs/tools/csharp"; .
> If the subversion plugin now polls the sourcecode repository of a project 
> which is using 
> externals every minute - all 3rd party subversion repositories are also 
> polled.
> This might be a DDOS for public opensource projects.
> Typically developers use certain svn tag releases in their projects - 
> therefore it is not
> ncessary to poll this tag-releases every minute.
> In other words: Something like "svn --ignore-externals up ." is needed...
> Subversion plugin should provide the following configuration options:
> {code}
> [X] Fetch svn:externals
>   [ ] Fetch svn:externals if checkout does not exist
>   [ ] Fetch svn:externals periodically
>       (1d) (m)inutes/(h)ours/(d)ays
> {code}
> If you have hints how to trigger this in the svn-api of org.tmatesoft.svn.* / 
> how to implement this
> please let me know...
> Regards
> Marc

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