
SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-12881:

Code changed in jenkins
User: Joe Hansche
  JENKINS-12881: Obtain failure message at completed-time.

Resolves a potential race condition when a single job
may be executing multiple times before the change "batch"
status is ready to be reported back to Gerrit.

The test setup is:

 * Job-A
   - Shell: echo "Starting ${BUILD_TAG}" > error-message.txt
        sleep 5
   - Shell: echo "Always fails ${BUILD_TAG}" > error-message.txt
        sleep 5
        exit 1

 * Job-B
   - Shell: echo "Starting ${BUILD_TAG}" > error-message.txt
        sleep 15
   - Shell: echo "Never fails ${BUILD_TAG}" > error-message.txt
        sleep 15

Job-B will always be the long-pole (30 sec). Job-A will always fail,
hopefully with "Always fails ______" as the error-message.

Create 2 commits for review, and push both commits to Gerrit. Both
Job-A builds will run and fail within 20 seconds, before the first
Job-B build is even finished executing.

The test is successful if both review commits contain the correct
"Always fails {TAG}" messages, corresponding to the correct URL.
The test fails if any other string exists in the failure message.

> Allow reading custom build message from a workspace file, in case of 
> non-success
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: JENKINS-12881
>                 URL: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-12881
>             Project: Jenkins
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: gerrit-trigger
>    Affects Versions: current
>            Reporter: Joe Hansche
>            Assignee: rsandell
>              Labels: gerrit
> Some background is discussed here:
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger?focusedCommentId=59508437#comment-59508437

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