OHTAKE Tomohiro created JENKINS-12912: -----------------------------------------
Summary: URLTtrigger does not poll on jobs which are tied to disconnected slaves Key: JENKINS-12912 URL: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-12912 Project: Jenkins Issue Type: Bug Components: urltrigger Environment: Jenkins 1.451 URLTrigger Plugin 0.10, 0.14 Reporter: OHTAKE Tomohiro Assignee: gbois Since 0.10, URLTtrigger does not poll on jobs which are tied to disconnected slaves even if there are available executors on master. URLTrigger Plugin 0.9 makes master poll the URL even if the jobs are tied to slaves. If there are changes in URL, a slave that is tied to the job wakes up and runs the job. URLTrigger 0.9 says that polling has been done on slaves, but master polles. {code:title=URLTrigger Log (0.14, job which is tied to disconnected slaves)} Polling for the job aaaaaaaaaa Searching a node to run the polling for the label 'llllllll'. Can't find any complete active node for the polling action. Maybe slaves are not yet active at this time or the number of executor of the master is 0. Checking again in next polling schedule. {code} {code:title=URLTrigger Log (0.14, job which is not tied to any slaves)} Polling for the job bbbbbbbbbb Polling on master. Polling started on Feb 28, 2012 10:22:42 AM Invoking the url: http://aaaaaaaaaaa.invalid/bbbbbbbbbbbbbb Inspecting the content Polling complete. Took 0.12 sec. No changes. {code} {code:title=URLTrigger Log (0.9, job which is tied to disconnected slaves)} Polling started on Feb 28, 2012 10:51:04 AM Searching a node to run the polling for the label 'llllllll'. Invoking the url: http://aaaaaaaaaaa.invalid/bbbbbbbbbbbbbb Inspecting the content Polling complete. Took 0.14 sec No changes. {code} Workarounds: * Downgrade URLTrigger Plugin to 0.9 * Do not tie jobs which uses Use URLTrigger ** Create a job that uses URLTrigger and do not tie the job to any slaves. ** Configure the job to build other projects in its post-build actions. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA administrators: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/secure/ContactAdministrators!default.jspa For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira