
dogfood commented on JENKINS-11953:

Integrated in !http://ci.jenkins-ci.org/images/16x16/blue.png! [plugins_ec2 
     [FIXED JENKINS-8946] Option to set Zone as well as region for instance 
creation [FIXED JENKINS-11953] Dynamically local AWS regions (Revision 

     Result = SUCCESS
francis : 
Files : 
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/AmazonEC2Cloud.java
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/EC2Slave.java
* src/test/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/SlaveTemplateTest.java
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/SlaveTemplate.java
* src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/ec2/EC2Slave/help-zone.html
* src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/ec2/AmazonEC2Cloud/config-entries.jelly
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/AwsRegion.java
* src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/ec2/SlaveTemplate/config.jelly
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/EC2Computer.java
* src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/ec2/Messages.properties
* src/test/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/TemplateLabelsTest.java
* src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/ec2/EC2Computer/configure.jelly
* src/test/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/AmazonEC2CloudTest.java
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/EC2Cloud.java
* src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/PluginImpl.java

> EC2 plugin needs to load regions dynamically (or add Oregon region to list)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: JENKINS-11953
>                 URL: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-11953
>             Project: Jenkins
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: ec2
>         Environment: Win/Linux
>            Reporter: Ruben Orduz
>            Assignee: francis Upton
> EC2 plug-in seems to have regions hard coded. As more regions are added, 
> these will have to be added to the list. Instead, it should retrieve all 
> available regions through one API call, that way there would be no list to 
> maintain.
> The problem code can be seen here:
> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ec2-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/AwsRegion.java
>  (lines 19-23). It should get all that info with the API calls, not through 
> hard-coded enum kind of thing.

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