Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 6aac5c09b5614833cb2bcd78bc346a7e4dd0c2da
  Author: Tom Fennelly <>
  Date:   2016-09-26 (Mon, 26 Sep 2016)

  Changed paths:
    A .printip.js
    M Dockerfile
    A Jenkinsfile
    M nightwatch.conf.js
    M package.json
    M src/main/java/io/jenkins/blueocean/
    A src/main/java/io/jenkins/blueocean/
    M src/main/java/io/jenkins/blueocean/
    A src/main/js/custom_commands/moveClassicBottomStickyButtons.js
    R src/main/js/custom_commands/moveConfigpageButtons.js
    R src/main/js/custom_commands/removeBreadcrumbBar.js
    A src/main/js/custom_commands/removePageHead.js
    M src/main/js/globals.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/blueocean/bluePipelineActivity.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/classic_jenkins/folderCreate.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/classic_jenkins/freestyleConfig.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/classic_jenkins/freestyleCreate.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/classic_jenkins/multibranchCreate.js
    M src/main/js/page_objects/classic_jenkins/pipelineCreate.js
    M src/main/nightwatch.json
    M src/test/java/utils/

  Log Message:
  More ATH shenanigans + a Jenkinsfile (#44)

* Added a simple Jenkinsfile

* Use docker-selenium images

* Use official images in the local start selenium scripts

* More tweaking of the Jenkinsfile

* And more tweaking of the Jenkinsfile again

* what's the pwd

* what's the pwd

* what's the pwd

* Map in a volume for ~/.m2

* Map in a volume for ~/.m2

* No clue what I'm doing

* revert BS tests

* please show me something

* dir doesn't work as you'd expect, it seems

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* come on

* Ok ... needed plugins update and also see JENKINS-33510 .... ffs

* Trying to get it to build ... rest-impl tests hanging

* Changes to blueocean-ath-firefox

* Changes to blueocean-ath-builder

* Build BO and ATH on the executor

* Try get it working on executor

* Try get it working on executor

* Nope .... must build inside a docker container so as to get node etc

* Try and expose a port range

* Back to not building in a container

* Run the ATH

* Back to not running selenium

* printip

* printip

* printip

* printip

* printip

* printip

* printip

* printip

* Allow control of the http port used by the ATH Jenkins instance

* Can I see variables inside the docker image ...

* Allow spec of the blueocean host

* Start selenium in the Jenkinsfile and try connecting

* temp move build outside docker build container

* More jiggery pokery

* More jiggery pokery

* More jiggery pokery

* More jiggery pokery

* removed dead comment

* omg

* Fixed build of bo

* maven repo

* maven repo - more

* maven repo - more

* maven repo - more

* maven repo - more

* maven repo - more

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* use a local nexus repo

* local repo binding

* local repo binding

* getting closer

the secret .... run on linux

* print out the env

* What is setting the env grrr

* Fix  jenkins_url file

* bind the port for the jenskins server

* Switch off selenium on the run script

* Switch off selenium on the run script

* Better messages on the start stop scripts

* Updated the local docker file

* Remove local .m2 binding

* Build the docker image for building

* See if it will work without an image name

* Nope ... didn't work

* Add docker label on node

* use mvn tool

* Can't run that node scrpit on a slave that already has an old node

* export the selenium server container IP address

* Connect using the docker bridge network

* sudo source

* Can't execute the script as source ... write IP to file


* Try it on the CI Server

* Cleaned up messages from selenium-docker start scripts

* Use maven exit code for run script exit

* removed echo of exception as it was causing an NPE

* Trying to get the classic Jenkins pages working better

* Make the target dir if not already there

* Make moveClassicBottomStickyButtons complete more deterministic

* Fix moveClassicBottomStickyButtons to complete if used on a non-classic 
Jenkins page

* Remove the page head completely for classic Jenkins pages

* Fix activity page object "Open" toast selector

* Logging

* Cleanup move sticky buttons complete

* More cleanup of classic Jenkins page_object tweaks

* Get an env

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* try checkout of branch by the same name

* parameterise the branch name

* parameterise the branch name - some comments in the Jenkinsfile

* Output a message if we find a branch by that name

* Fix comment in Jenkinsfile

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