Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 8d0a9fa1d53d148601e33cb68d50b47b5ff97276
  Author: Mike Bayer <>
  Date:   2012-10-09 (Tue, 09 Oct 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/

  Log Message:
  - add a new mechanism to help count the total number of EC2 instances for a 
particular AMI.  As an EC2Slave
is being provisioned, a temporary count is placed in a HashMap, which is used 
in addition to the
count reported by Amazon itself for a particular ami.   This is so that the 
count of total
nodes provisioned takes into account those which Amazon doesn't report yet.  
The count returned
may be too high, if amazon reports it in addition to the "provision" count, but 
better to err on the
side of not spawning a node too soon; it will get spawned on the next go-around.
Tries to fix [JENKINS-6691].

  Commit: de72f67a04ab01a3b73b44973fc730eb857913e2
  Author: Francis Upton <>
  Date:   2013-02-07 (Thu, 07 Feb 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M src/main/java/hudson/plugins/ec2/

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #25 from zzzeek/master

keep track of instances being provisioned; use this count when determining 
total/AMI instance caps


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