
Eric Pugh resolved SOLR-13908.
    Resolution: Won't Fix

HDFS has been removed in Solr 10.

> Possible bugs when using HdfsDirectoryFactory w/ softCommit=true + 
> openSearcher=true
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-13908
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13908
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: hdfs
>            Reporter: Chris M. Hostetter
>            Priority: Major
> While working on SOLR-13872 something caught my eye that seems fishy....
> *Background:*
> SOLR-4916 introduced the API 
> {{DirectoryFactory.searchersReserveCommitPoints()}} -- a method that 
> {{SolrIndexSearcher}} uses to decide if it needs to explicitly save/release 
> the {{IndexCommit}} point of it's {{DirectoryReader}} with the 
> {{IndexDeletionPolicytWrapper}}, for use on Filesystems that don't in some 
> way "protect" open files...
> {code:title=SolrIndexSearcher}
>     if (directoryFactory.searchersReserveCommitPoints()) {
>       // reserve commit point for life of searcher
> core.getDeletionPolicy().saveCommitPoint(reader.getIndexCommit().getGeneration());
>     }
> {code}
> {code:title=DirectoryFactory}
>   /**
>    * If your implementation can count on delete-on-last-close semantics
>    * or throws an exception when trying to remove a file in use, return
>    * false (eg NFS). Otherwise, return true. Defaults to returning false.
>    * 
>    * @return true if factory impl requires that Searcher's explicitly
>    * reserve commit points.
>    */
>   public boolean searchersReserveCommitPoints() {
>     return false;
>   }
> {code}
> {{HdfsDirectoryFactory}} is (still) the only {{DirectoryFactory}} Impl that 
> returns {{true}}.
> ----
> *Concern:*
> As noted in LUCENE-9040  The behavior of {{DirectoryReader.getIndexCommit()}} 
> is a little weird / underspecified when dealing with an "NRT" {{IndexReader}} 
> (opened directly off of an {{IndexWriter}} using "un-committed" changes) ... 
> which is exactly what {{SolrIndexSearcher}} is using in solr setups that use 
> {{softCommit=true&openSearcher=false}}.
> In particular the {{IndexCommit.getGeneration()}} value that will be used 
> when {{SolrIndexSearcher}} executes 
> {{core.getDeletionPolicy().saveCommitPoint(reader.getIndexCommit().getGeneration());}}
>  will be (as of the current code) the {{generation}} of the last _hard_ 
> commit -- meaning that new segment/data files since the last "hard commit" 
> will not be protected from deletion if additional commits/merges happen on 
> the index duringthe life of the {{SolrIndexSearcher}} -- either view 
> concurrent rapid commits, or via 
> {{commit=true&softCommit=false&openSearcher=false}}.
> I have not investigated this in depth, but I believe there is risk here of 
> unpredictible bugs when using HDFS in conjunction with 
> {{softCommit=true&openSearcher=true}}.

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