
Eric Pugh resolved SOLR-13856.
    Resolution: Won't Fix

HDFS has been removed in Solr 10.

> 8.x HdfsWriteToMultipleCollectionsTest jenkins failures due to 
> TImeoutException
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-13856
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13856
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Test
>            Reporter: Chris M. Hostetter
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: 8.3.fail1.log.txt, 8.3.fail2.log.txt, 8.3.fail3.log.txt, 
> 8.x.fail1.log.txt, 8.x.fail2.log.txt, 8.x.fail3.log.txt, 
> HdfsWriteToMultipleCollectionsTest.fails.txt, 
> apache_Lucene-Solr-NightlyTests-8.3_25.log.txt, 
> apache_Lucene-Solr-repro_3681.log.txt
> I've noticed a trend in jenkins failures where 
> HdfsWriteToMultipleCollectionsTest...
> * does _NOT_ ever seem to fail on master even w/heavy beasting
> * fails on 8.x (28c1049a258bbd060a80803c72e1c6cadc784dab) and 8.3 
> (25968e3b75e5e9a4f2a64de10500aae10a257bdd) easily
> ** failing seeds frequently reproduce, but not 100%
> ** seeds reproduce even when tested using newer (ie: java11) JVMs
> ** doesn't fail when commenting out HDFS aspects of test
> *** suggests failure cause is somehow specific to HDFS, not differences in 
> the 8x/master HTTP/solr indexing stack...
> *However:* There are currently zero differences between the *.hdfs.* packaged 
> solr code (src or test) on branch_8x vs master; likewise 8x and master also 
> use the exact same hadoop jars.
> So what the hell is different?

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