
Luke Kot-Zaniewski commented on SOLR-4587:


I've added some general [docs in this 
 that. I plan to add it to the refguide but I'm still working through some 
stuff. In the meantime, I'd greatly appreciate if anyone here would try this 
out and give feedback.

 # If you like you can use the artifact I just built to get started 
[^saved-search.zip] and extract it into {{solr-9.7.0/modules/}}. You might 
notice the strange name {{aa-solr-saved-search-10.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar}} .. this is 
a temporary hack to load saved-search classes _before_ lucene-monitor classes. 
This won't be necessary once lucene 9.12 is picked up. Alternatively, you can 
build the branch yourself and copy the generated artifacts from the 
{{build/packaging/}} directory.
 # You can pretty much follow the instructions of [Basic 
 but any time you see a classpath pointing to a _new_ class, i.e. 
{{solr.SavedSearchUpdateProcessorFactory}}, you will have to replace the 
resource path with {{solr.savedsearch.update.\*}} or 
{{solr.savedsearch.cache.\*}} or {{solr.savedsearch.search.\*}} depending on 
the class. That is unless you want to build the whole solr distribution from 
scratch. The resource loader name mapping is in solr-core which I've updated in 
the PR but is not something you'll pick up if you only run with the 
saved-search module jar.
 # Run {{bin/solr start -e cloud -Dsolr.modules=saved-search}}

> Implement Saved Searches a la ElasticSearch Percolator
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-4587
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4587
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: SearchComponents - other, SolrCloud
>            Reporter: Otis Gospodnetic
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>         Attachments: saved-search.zip
>          Time Spent: 20h 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Use Lucene MemoryIndex for this.

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