janhoy commented on code in PR #2712:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/2712#discussion_r1801990185

@@ -65,37 +75,132 @@ public String getName() {
           .desc("Wait up to the specified number of seconds to see Solr 
+  public static final Option OPTION_PORT =
+      Option.builder("p")
+          .longOpt("port")
+          .argName("PORT")
+          .required(false)
+          .hasArg()
+          .desc("Port on localhost to check status for")
+          .build();
+  public static final Option OPTION_SHORT =
+      Option.builder()
+          .longOpt("short")
+          .argName("SHORT")
+          .required(false)
+          .desc("Short format. Prints one URL per line for running instances")
+          .build();
   public List<Option> getOptions() {
-    return List.of(
-        // The solr-url option is not exposed to the end user, and is
-        // created by the bin/solr script and passed into this command 
-        // therefore we don't use the SolrCLI.OPTION_SOLRURL.
-        Option.builder()
-            .argName("URL")
-            .longOpt("solr-url")
-            .hasArg()
-            .required(false)
-            .desc("Property set by calling scripts, not meant for user 
-            .build(),
   public void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception {
-    // Override the default help behaviour to put out a customized message 
that only list user
-    // settable Options.
-    if ((cli.getOptions().length == 0 && cli.getArgs().length == 0)
-        || cli.hasOption("h")
-        || cli.hasOption("help")) {
-      final Options options = new Options();
-      options.addOption(OPTION_MAXWAITSECS);
-      new HelpFormatter().printHelp("status", options);
-      return;
+    String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue(OPTION_SOLRURL);
+    boolean urlProvided = solrUrl != null;
+    Integer port =
+        cli.hasOption(OPTION_PORT) ? 
Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue(OPTION_PORT)) : null;
+    boolean shortFormat = cli.hasOption(OPTION_SHORT);
+    if (port != null && solrUrl != null) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one of port or url can be 
+    }
+    if (port != null) {
+      Optional<SolrProcess> proc = processMgr.processForPort(port);
+      if (proc.isEmpty()) {
+        CLIO.err("Could not find a running Solr on port " + port);
+        System.exit(1);
+      } else {
+        solrUrl = proc.get().getLocalUrl();
+      }
+    }
+    if (solrUrl == null) {
+      if (!shortFormat) {
+        CLIO.out("Looking for running processes...");
+      }
+      Collection<SolrProcess> procs = processMgr.getAllRunning();
+      if (!shortFormat) {
+        CLIO.out(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "\nFound %s Solr nodes: ", 
+      }
+      if (!procs.isEmpty()) {
+        for (SolrProcess process : procs) {
+          if (shortFormat) {
+            CLIO.out(process.getLocalUrl());
+          } else {
+            printProcessStatus(process, cli);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (!shortFormat) {
+          CLIO.out("\nNo Solr nodes are running.\n");
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // We have a solrUrl
+      int urlPort = portFromUrl(solrUrl);
+      if (shortFormat) {
+        if (processMgr.isRunningWithPort(urlPort)) {
+          CLIO.out(solrUrl);
+        }
+      } else {
+        Optional<SolrProcess> process = processMgr.processForPort(urlPort);
+        if (process.isEmpty() && urlProvided) {
+          // Try harder to get status if the URL was provided, even if Solr is 
not a separate OS
+          // process
+          try {
+            getStatus(solrUrl, cli.getOptionValue(OPTION_CREDENTIALS));
+            process = Optional.of(new SolrProcess(-1, urlPort, 
+          } catch (Exception e) {
+            /* Ignore */
+          }
+        }
+        if (process.isPresent()) {
+          CLIO.out(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "\nFound %s Solr nodes: ", 1));
+          printProcessStatus(process.get(), cli);
+        } else {
+          CLIO.out("\nNo Solr running on port " + urlPort + ".");
+        }
+      }
+  }
+  private void printProcessStatus(SolrProcess process, CommandLine cli) throws 
Exception {
     int maxWaitSecs = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("max-wait-secs", 
-    String solrUrl = SolrCLI.normalizeSolrUrl(cli);
+    boolean shortFormat = cli.hasOption(OPTION_SHORT);
+    String pidUrl = process.getLocalUrl();
+    CLIO.out(
+        String.format(
+            Locale.ROOT,
+            "\nSolr process %s running on port %s",
+            process.getPid(),
+            process.getPort()));
+    if (shortFormat) {
+      CLIO.out(pidUrl);
+    } else {
+      statusFromRunningSolr(pidUrl, cli, maxWaitSecs);
+    }
+    CLIO.out("");
+  }
+  private Integer portFromUrl(String solrUrl) {
+    try {
+      return new URI(solrUrl).getPort();

Review Comment:
   I adapted it to return 443 or 80.

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