dweiss commented on code in PR #2706: URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/2706#discussion_r1775026121
########## gradle/libs.versions.toml: ########## @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more +# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with +# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +[versions] +adobe-testing-s3mock = "2.17.0" +amazon-awssdk = "2.26.19" +# @keep Antora version used in ref-guide +antora = "3.1.4" +# @keep Most recent commit as of 2022-06-24, this repo does not have tags +antora-default-ui = "51ad811622394027afb4e182c2fdabc235ae04dd" +# @keep Antora Lunr extensions version used in ref-guide +antora-lunr-extension = "1.0.0-alpha.8" +apache-calcite = "1.37.0" +apache-calcite-avatica = "1.25.0" +apache-commons-collections4 = "4.4" +apache-commons-compress = "1.26.1" +apache-commons-configuration2 = "2.11.0" +apache-commons-exec = "1.4.0" +apache-commons-lang3 = "3.15.0" +apache-commons-math3 = "3.6.1" +# @keep for version alignment +apache-commons-text = "1.12.0" +apache-curator = "5.7.0" +apache-hadoop = "3.3.6" +apache-hadoop-thirdparty = "1.2.0" +apache-httpcomponents-httpclient = "4.5.14" +apache-httpcomponents-httpcore = "4.4.16" +apache-httpcomponents-httpmime = "4.5.14" +apache-kerby = "1.0.1" +apache-log4j = "2.21.0" +apache-lucene = "9.11.1" +apache-opennlp = "1.9.4" +apache-poi = "5.2.2" +apache-rat = "0.15" +apache-tika = "1.28.5" +apache-tomcat = "6.0.53" +apache-zookeeper = "3.9.2" +aqute-bnd = "6.4.1" +# @keep Asciidoctor mathjax version used in ref-guide +asciidoctor-mathjax = "0.0.9" +# @keep Asciidoctor tabs version used in ref-guide +asciidoctor-tabs = "1.0.0-beta.6" +bc-jose4j = "0.9.6" +benmanes-caffeine = "3.1.8" +benmanes-versions = "0.51.0" +bouncycastle = "1.78.1" +# @keep Browserify version used in ref-guide +browserify = "17.0.0" +carrot2-core = "4.5.1" +carrotsearch-dependencychecks = "0.0.9" +carrotsearch-hppc = "0.10.0" +carrotsearch-randomizedtesting = "2.8.1" +# @keep for version alignment +checkerframework = "3.44.0" +codehaus-woodstox = "4.2.2" +commons-cli = "1.9.0" +commons-codec = "1.17.1" +commons-collections = "3.2.2" +commons-io = "2.15.1" +cutterslade-analyze = "1.10.0" +cybozulabs-langdetect = "1.1-20120112" +diffplug-spotless = "6.5.2" +dropwizard-metrics = "4.2.26" +eclipse-ecj = "3.33.0" +eclipse-jetty = "10.0.22" +eclipse-jettytoolchain = "4.0.6" +# @keep jgit version used by git-statuts.gradle +eclipse-jgit = "" +fasterxml = "2.17.2" +fasterxml-woodstox = "6.7.0" +# @keep Flexmark used in classpath +flexmark = "0.64.8" +google-api-gax = "2.33.0" +# @keep for version alignment +google-api-grpc-proto = "2.42.0" +google-auth = "1.19.0" +# @keep for version alignment +google-autovalue = "1.10.4" +google-cloud-bom = "0.224.0" +google-cloud-core = "2.23.0" +google-cloud-nio = "0.127.3" +google-cloud-storage = "2.27.0" +google-errorprone = "2.28.0" +# @keep for version alignment +google-failureaccess = "1.0.2" +# @keep for version alignment +google-gson = "2.11.0" +google-guava = "33.1.0-jre" +# @keep This is GJF version for spotless/ tidy. +google-javaformat = "1.18.1" +# @keep for version alignment +google-protobuf = "3.25.3" +google-re2j = "1.7" +# @keep Gradle version to run the build +gradle = "8.4" +grpc = "1.65.1" +# @keep Gulp version used in ref-guide +gulp-cli = "2.3.0" +hamcrest = "2.2" +hk2 = "3.0.5" +hsqldb = "2.7.2" +ibm-icu = "74.2" +immutables-valueannotations = "2.10.1" +j256-simplemagic = "1.17" +jakarta-annotation = "2.1.1" +jakarta-inject = "2.0.1" +jakarta-ws = "3.1.0" +javacc = "7.0.12" +# @keep for version alignment +jaxb = "2.3.8" +jayway-jsonpath = "2.9.0" +jctools = "4.0.5" +jersey = "3.1.5" +# TODO Sync with jersey versions +jersey-containers = "2.39.1" +# @keep for version alignment +joda-time = "2.8.1" +junit = "4.13.2" +# @keep Link checker version used in ref-guide +link-checker = "1.4.2" +littlerobots-versioncatalogupdate = "0.8.4" +lmax-disruptor = "3.4.4" +ltgt-errorprone = "3.1.0" +# @keep This is the minimum required Java version. +minJava = "11" +mockito = "5.12.0" +morethan-jmhreport = "0.9.0" +navsecurity = "0.5.10" +netty = "4.1.112.Final" +# @keep for version alignment +netty-tcnative = "2.0.65.Final" +nimbusds-josejwt = "9.30.2" +nodegradle-node = "7.0.1" +openapi = "7.6.0" +openjdk-jmh = "1.37" +opentelemetry = "1.40.0" +osgi-annotation = "8.1.0" +# @keep for version alignment +ow2-asm = "9.3" +owasp-dependencycheck = "9.0.8" +# @keep for version alignment +perfmark = "0.27.0" +prometheus-metrics = "1.1.0" +prometheus-simpleclient = "0.16.0" +quicktheories = "0.26" +semver4j = "5.3.0" +slf4j = "2.0.13" +spatial4j = "0.8" +spotbugs = "4.8.0" +squareup-okhttp3-mockwebserver = "4.11.0" +squareup-okhttp3-okhttp = "4.12.0" +stephenc-jcip = "1.0-1" +swagger3 = "2.2.22" +tdunning-tdigest = "3.3" +thetaphi-forbiddenapis = "3.7" +thisptr-jacksonjq = "0.0.13" +threeten-bp = "1.6.8" +undercouch-download = "5.5.0" +xerces = "2.12.2" +xerial-snappy = "" + +[plugins] +benmanes-versions = { id = "com.github.ben-manes.versions", version.ref = "benmanes-versions" } +carrotsearch-dependencychecks = { id = "com.carrotsearch.gradle.dependencychecks", version.ref = "carrotsearch-dependencychecks" } +cutterslade-analyze = { id = "ca.cutterslade.analyze", version.ref = "cutterslade-analyze" } +diffplug-spotless = { id = "com.diffplug.spotless", version.ref = "diffplug-spotless" } +littlerobots-versioncatalogupdate = { id = "nl.littlerobots.version-catalog-update", version.ref = "littlerobots-versioncatalogupdate" } +ltgt-errorprone = { id = "net.ltgt.errorprone", version.ref = "ltgt-errorprone" } +morethan-jmhreport = { id = "io.morethan.jmhreport", version.ref = "morethan-jmhreport" } +nodegradle-node = { id = "com.github.node-gradle.node", version.ref = "nodegradle-node" } +openapi-generator = { id = "org.openapi.generator", version.ref = "openapi" } +owasp-dependencycheck = { id = "org.owasp.dependencycheck", version.ref = "owasp-dependencycheck" } +swagger3-core = { id = "io.swagger.core.v3.swagger-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "swagger3" } +thetaphi-forbiddenapis = { id = "de.thetaphi.forbiddenapis", version.ref = "thetaphi-forbiddenapis" } +udnercouch-download = { id = "de.undercouch.download", version.ref = "undercouch-download" } + +[libraries] Review Comment: You have to come up with your own name. Intellij will help you with suggestion prompts, if you're using it but otherwise you're down to using those custom names. -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@solr.apache.org For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: us...@infra.apache.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@solr.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@solr.apache.org