solrbot commented on PR #2213:

   ### ⚠ Artifact update problem
   Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably 
do not want to merge this PR as-is.
   ♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the 
following happens:
    - any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or 
    - the branch becomes conflicted, or
    - you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or
    - you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually
   The artifact failure details are included below:
   ##### File name: undefined
   Command failed: ./gradlew updateLicenses
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Response;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Result;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.AuthenticationStore;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Response;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Result;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.http does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpClientTransportOverHTTP;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.FormRequestContent;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.InputStreamRequestContent;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.InputStreamResponseListener;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.MultiPartRequestContent;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.OutputStreamRequestContent;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.StringRequestContent;
 error: cannot find symbol
   import org.eclipse.jetty.util.HttpCookieStore;
     symbol:   class HttpCookieStore
     location: package org.eclipse.jetty.util
 error: cannot find symbol
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpAuthenticationStore;
     symbol:   class HttpAuthenticationStore
     location: package org.eclipse.jetty.client
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Authentication;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.AuthenticationStore;
 error: cannot find symbol
   public class AuthenticationStoreHolder implements AuthenticationStore {
     symbol: class AuthenticationStore
 error: cannot find symbol
     public void setAuthenticationStore(AuthenticationStore 
authenticationStore) {
     symbol:   class AuthenticationStore
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         SolrRequest<?> solrRequest, Response response, InputStream is, String 
     symbol:   class Response
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
     private void setBasicAuthHeader(SolrRequest<?> solrRequest, Request req) {
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
     private void decorateRequest(Request req, SolrRequest<?> solrRequest, 
boolean isAsync) {
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         SolrRequest<?> solrRequest, String url, InputStreamResponseListener 
listener, boolean isAsync)
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
     private Request makeRequestAndSend(
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         Request req,
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
     private Request fillContentStream(
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         Response response,
     symbol:   class Response
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       private final OutputStreamRequestContent content;
     symbol:   class OutputStreamRequestContent
     location: class OutStream
 error: cannot find symbol
       private final InputStreamResponseListener responseListener;
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class OutStream
 error: cannot find symbol
           OutputStreamRequestContent content,
     symbol:   class OutputStreamRequestContent
     location: class OutStream
 error: cannot find symbol
           InputStreamResponseListener responseListener,
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class OutStream
 error: cannot find symbol
       public InputStreamResponseListener getResponseListener() {
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class OutStream
 error: cannot find symbol
     private volatile AuthenticationStore authenticationStore;
     symbol:   class AuthenticationStore
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: cannot find symbol
     public AuthenticationStoreHolder(AuthenticationStore authenticationStore) {
     symbol:   class AuthenticationStore
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: cannot find symbol
     public void updateAuthenticationStore(AuthenticationStore 
authenticationStore) {
     symbol:   class AuthenticationStore
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: cannot find symbol
     public void addAuthentication(Authentication authentication) {
     symbol:   class Authentication
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: cannot find symbol
     public void removeAuthentication(Authentication authentication) {
     symbol:   class Authentication
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: cannot find symbol
     public Authentication findAuthentication(String type, URI uri, String 
realm) {
     symbol:   class Authentication
     location: class AuthenticationStoreHolder
 error: package Authentication does not exist
     public void addAuthenticationResult(Authentication.Result result) {
 error: package Authentication does not exist
     public void removeAuthenticationResult(Authentication.Result result) {
 error: package Authentication does not exist
     public Authentication.Result findAuthenticationResult(URI uri) {
 error: package Request does not exist
       private final Request.QueuedListener queuedListener;
 error: package Response does not exist
       private final Response.CompleteListener completeListener;
 error: package Request does not exist
         implements Request.BeginListener, Response.CompleteListener, 
Request.QueuedListener {
 error: package Response does not exist
         implements Request.BeginListener, Response.CompleteListener, 
Request.QueuedListener {
 error: package Request does not exist
         implements Request.BeginListener, Response.CompleteListener, 
Request.QueuedListener {
 error: cannot find symbol
       public void onBegin(Request request) {}
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class RequestResponseListener
 error: cannot find symbol
       public void onQueued(Request request) {}
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class RequestResponseListener
 error: cannot find symbol
       public void onComplete(Result result) {}
     symbol:   class Result
     location: class RequestResponseListener
 error: cannot find symbol
       public void onBegin(Request request) {
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class MDCCopyHelper
 error: cannot find symbol
       public void onComplete(Result result) {
     symbol:   class Result
     location: class MDCCopyHelper
 error: cannot find symbol
         extends InputStreamResponseListener {
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpAuthenticationStore;
     symbol:   class HttpAuthenticationStore
     location: package org.eclipse.jetty.client
 error: cannot find symbol
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpAuthenticationStore;
     symbol:   class HttpAuthenticationStore
     location: package org.eclipse.jetty.client
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.SPNEGOAuthentication;
 error: cannot find symbol
     private SPNEGOAuthentication createSPNEGOAuthentication() {
     symbol:   class SPNEGOAuthentication
     location: class Krb5HttpClientBuilder
 error: cannot find symbol
         SPNEGOAuthentication authentication, Map<String, ?> options, String 
username) {
     symbol:   class SPNEGOAuthentication
     location: class Krb5HttpClientBuilder
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Response;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.util does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.InputStreamResponseListener;
 error: cannot find symbol
     public void onSuccess(Response resp, InputStream respBody) {
     symbol:   class Response
     location: class ConcurrentUpdateHttp2SolrClient
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Authentication;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.ContentResponse;
 error: package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api does not exist
   import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request;
 error: cannot find symbol
   public class SolrBasicAuthentication implements Authentication {
     symbol: class Authentication
 error: cannot find symbol
         Request request, ContentResponse response, HeaderInfo headerInfo, 
Attributes context) {
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class SolrBasicAuthentication
 error: cannot find symbol
         Request request, ContentResponse response, HeaderInfo headerInfo, 
Attributes context) {
     symbol:   class ContentResponse
     location: class SolrBasicAuthentication
 error: cannot find symbol
         Request request, ContentResponse response, HeaderInfo headerInfo, 
Attributes context) {
     symbol:   class HeaderInfo
     location: class SolrBasicAuthentication
 error: cannot find symbol
     public Result authenticate(
     symbol:   class Result
     location: class SolrBasicAuthentication
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: cannot find symbol
         transport = new HttpClientTransportOverHTTP(clientConnector);
     symbol:   class HttpClientTransportOverHTTP
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
     symbol:   method setCookieStore(CookieStore)
     location: variable httpClient of type HttpClient
 error: incompatible types: AuthenticationStoreHolder cannot be converted to 
 error: cannot find symbol
           protocol = HttpClientTransportOverHTTP.HTTP11;
     symbol:   variable HttpClientTransportOverHTTP
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       OutputStreamRequestContent content = new 
     symbol:   class OutputStreamRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       OutputStreamRequestContent content = new 
     symbol:   class OutputStreamRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       Request postRequest =
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       InputStreamResponseListener responseListener = new 
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
       Request req;
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         InputStreamResponseListener listener =
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
               public void onHeaders(Response response) {
     symbol: class Response
 error: cannot find symbol
               public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable failure) {
     symbol: class Response
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: non-static variable super cannot be referenced from a static context
         return new ObjectReleaseTrackedInputStream(super.getInputStream());
 error: cannot find symbol
         return new ObjectReleaseTrackedInputStream(super.getInputStream());
     symbol: method getInputStream()
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
 error: cannot find symbol
       Request req = null;
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         InputStreamResponseListener listener = new 
     symbol:   class InputStreamResponseListener
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         Response response = listener.get(idleTimeoutMillis, 
     symbol:   class Response
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
           var content = new 
     symbol:   class OutputStreamRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
           Request req = httpClient.newRequest(url + 
     symbol:   class Request
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
               new InputStreamRequestContent(
     symbol:   class InputStreamRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         try (MultiPartRequestContent content = new MultiPartRequestContent()) {
     symbol:   class MultiPartRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         try (MultiPartRequestContent content = new MultiPartRequestContent()) {
     symbol:   class MultiPartRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
                 content.addFieldPart(key, new StringRequestContent(val), null);
     symbol:   class StringRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
                   new InputStreamRequestContent(contentStream.getStream()),
     symbol:   class InputStreamRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
 error: cannot find symbol
         req.body(new FormRequestContent(fields, FALLBACK_CHARSET));
     symbol:   class FormRequestContent
     location: class Http2SolrClient
   Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to 
get full output
   100 errors
   only showing the first 100 errors, of 128 total; use -Xmaxerrs if you would 
like to see more
   FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
   * What went wrong:
   Execution failed for task ':solr:solrj:compileJava'.
   > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
   * Try:
   > Run with --info option to get more log output.
   BUILD FAILED in 15s

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