
Michael Gibney commented on SOLR-15859:

I think it might be possible (and preferable?) to implement this as a custom 
{{SolrCache<K, V>}} implementation that wraps {{solr.CaffeineCache<K, 
MetadataWrapper<V>>}}. I think [~ben.manes] was alluding to something like this 
"MetadataWrapper" approach in his [comment above|#comment-17633401].

I've actually done something similar, and it can work quite well. It can be a 
bit tricky, but I think the "per-entry stats" part would be pretty 
straightforward done this way, and I really like the idea of implementing this 
functionality without modifying the hot path of what's currently the 
default/only cache implementation bundled with Solr. I think the only necessary 
modification to the existing {{solr.CaffeineCache}} class would be to provide a 
hook to actually dump the values, e.g., add them to a provided map, or 
something (so as not to actually expose the internals)?

I do think the functionality you're pursuing with this could be useful. One 
benefit of implementing as I'm suggesting above, I think this functionality 
would be almost entirely pluggable (as in, plugins) -- aside from some 
interface for actually dumping a snapshot of the contents of the cache, which I 
suspect would indeed need a public method added to {{solr.CaffeineCache}}.

I would definitely recommend avoiding top-level {{synchronized (cache)}} -- and 
I don't think that would be necessary if pursuing the "wrapping" approach.

Maybe a more tightly-scoped change that ignores for now the request handler and 
stats tracking, and instead focuses on figuring out a clean (if perhaps 
experimental?) method/interface for dumping the contents of 
{{solr.CaffeineCache}}? I suspect that would be easier to merge with 
confidence, and would open the door to iterate on different ways of achieving 
some of the more nuanced functionality.

> Add handler to dump filter cache
> --------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-15859
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15859
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Andy Lester
>            Assignee: Shawn Heisey
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: FQ, cache, filtercache, metrics
>         Attachments: cacheinfo-1.patch, cacheinfo-2.patch, cacheinfo.patch, 
> fix_92_startup.patch
> It would be very helpful to be able to inspect the contents of the 
> filterCache.
> I'd like to be able to query something like
> {{/admin/caches?type=filter&nentries=1000&sort=numHits+DESC}}
> nentries would be allowed to be -1 to get everything.
> It would be nice to see these data items for each entry. I don't know which 
> are available, but I'm thinking blue sky here:
>  * cache key, exactly as stored
>  * Timestamp when the entry was inserted
>  * Whether the insertion of the entry evicted another entry, and if so which 
> one
>  * Timestamp of when this entry was last hit
>  * Number of hits on this entry forever
>  * Number of hits on this entry over some time period
>  * Number of documents matched by the filter
>  * Number of bytes of memory used by the filter
> These are the sorts of questions I'd like to be able answer:
>  * "I just did a query that I expect will have added a cache entry. Did it?"
>  * "Are my queries hitting existing cache entries?"
>  * "How big should I set my filterCache size? Should I limit it by number of 
> entries or RAM usage?"
>  * "Which of my FQs are getting used the most? These are the ones I want in 
> my firstSearcher queries." (I currently determine this by processing my old 
> solr logs)
>  * "Which filters give me the most bang for the buck in terms of RAM usage?"
>  * "I have filter X and filter Y, but would it be beneficial if I made a 
> filter X AND Y?"
>  * "Which FQs are used more at certain times of the day? (Assuming I take 
> regular snapshots throughout the day)"
> I imagine a response might look like:
> {{{}}
> {{  "responseHeader": {}}
> {{    "status": 0,}}
> {{    "QTime": 961}}
> {{  },}}
> {{  "response": {}}
> {{    "numFound": 12104,}}
> {{    "filterCacheKeys": {}}
> {{      [}}
> {{        "language:eng": {}}
> {{          "inserted": "2021-12-04T07:34:16Z",}}
> {{          "lastHit": "2021-12-04T18:17:43Z",}}
> {{          "numHits": 15065,}}
> {{          "numHitsInPastHour": 2319,}}
> {{          "evictedKey": "agelevel:4 shippable:Y",}}
> {{          "numRecordsMatchedByFilter": 24328753,}}
> {{          "bytesUsed": 3041094}}
> {{        }}}
> {{      ],}}
> {{      [}}
> {{        "is_set:N": {}}
> {{          ...}}
> {{        }}}
> {{      ],}}
> {{      [}}
> {{        "language:spa": {}}
> {{          ...}}
> {{        }}}
> {{      ]}}
> {{    }}}
> {{}}}

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