
Lamine commented on SOLR-16192:

Hi [~dsmiley]  Updated the description.

There was an [old JIRA|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15857] before 
this PR got split into two "sub PRs".

> Add ZK credentials injectors
> ----------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-16192
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16192
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Lamine
>            Priority: Minor
>          Time Spent: 7h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> TLTR; 
> This PR adds _ZkCredentialsInjector_ support. What is a 
> {_}ZkCredentialsInjector{_}? It’s a class (interface) that loads ZK/Solr 
> creds from an external source and injects them into 
> {_}ZkACLProvider/ZkCredentialsProvider{_}. This PR uses a _Strategy_ pattern 
> approach where the credentials are injected as a dependency. This allows 
> decoupling the process of reading the creds from the one using them (Single 
> responsibility).
> {*}Benefits{*}:
>  * No more code duplication.
>  * Adding a new ZK credentials source is as easy as adding a new 
> _ZkCredentialsInjector_ implementation (one class, instead of two).
>  * Classes implementing _ZkCredentialsInjector_ are completely encapsulated. 
> Therefore, the implementation can be changed without affecting the existing 
> _ZkACLProvider/ZkCredntialsProvider_ classes.
>  * Different _ZkCredentialsInjector_ can be used interchangeably to alter the 
> creds source without changing the whole architecture.
>  * Run time interchangeability (think of those situations where you have a 
> client that has to hit two different clusters).
>  * Backward compatible. Existing and custom providers can still work as we 
> are not breaking the existing _ZkACLProvider/ZkCredntialsProvider_ interfaces.
> h2. Problems with the current design
> The same code to load the credentials is called twice, first by 
> _ZkCredentialsProvider_ to connect to Zookeeper and a second time by 
> _ZkACLProvider_ to create ACLs. The code is also duplicated, although it's 
> only reading from system props.

> Adding a custom pair of _ZkCredentialsProvider/ZkACLProvider_ to load the 
> credentials from another source (ex a Secret Manager) would require 
> duplicating the code and making repetitive calls to extract the same 
> credentials.
> The purpose of this PR is to allow retrieving Solr/ZL creds from any source 
> before injecting them into ZK creds/acl providers without duplicating the 
> existing code.
> {*}Without this new feature{*}, adding custom ZK credentials provider 
> requires:
> 1 - Either, duplicating _VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider_ and 
> _VMParamsSingleSetCredentialsDigestZkCredentialsProvider_ code. That means a 
> new pair of classes, 90% identical to the existing classes, for every ZK 
> credentials provider. Adding another ZK credentials provider? Add 2 more 
> duplicate classes…
> 2 - Or, creating a super abstract class and use inheritance to reuse the 
> code. Still, the code to load the creds would be duplicated and executed 
> twice (two calls to load the same creds from the same source)
> I think 1) is not an option.
> For 2) I believe this is one of those situations where composition should be 
> favored over inheritance.
> h2. Proposed solution
>  * Refactor the way how the credentials are injected by passing them as a 
> dependency. One code, called once and injected into the client class. Here 
> the client classes are _ZkCredentialsProvider_ and {_}ZkACLProvider{_}.
>  * Favor composition over inheritance to inject custom credentials loaders 
> without changing the composing (container) class.
>  * Add a third interface _ZkCredentialsInjector_ whose implementations load 
> ZK credentials from a credentials source to be injected into 
> _ZkCredentialsProvider_ and _ZkACLProvider_
>  * The dataflow is: Credentials source —> _ZkCredentialsInjector_ —> 
> {_}ZkCredentialsProvider{_}/{_}ZkACLProvider{_} —> Zookeeper
>  * The _ZkCredentialsInjector_ gets the creds from an external source which 
> get injected into zkCredentialsProvider and zkACLProvider. The "{_}external 
> source{_}" here can be system props, a file, a Secret Manager, or any other 
> local or remote source.
> _public interface ZkCredentialsInjector {_ 
> _List<ZkCredential> getZkCredentials();_
> _..._
> _}_
> Any class implementing _ZkCredentialsInjector_ can be injected via system 
> props in _solr.ini.sh/cmd_ and {_}solr.xml{_}.
> In the below example _VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector_ is injected.
> Note: _VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider_ and 
> _VMParamsSingleSetCredentialsDigestZkCredentialsProvider_ would be deprecated 
> and replaced with a combination of 
> {_}DigestZkACLProvider{_}/{_}DigestZkCredentialsProvider{_} and 
> {_}VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector{_}.
> _-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.acl.DigestZkACLProvider \_
> _-DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.acl.DigestZkCredentialsProvider
>  \_
> _-DzkCredentialsInjector=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.acl.VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector
>  \_
> _-DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD \_
> _-DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user 
> -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD"_
> Add {_}DigestZkACLProvider{_}/{_}DigestZkCredentialsProvider{_} classes to 
> support _Digest_ based scheme ZK authentication/authorization
> _Class DigestZkACLProvider implements ZkACLProvider{_
> _CredentialsInjector credentialsInjector;_
> _..._
> _}_
> _Class DigestZkCredentialsProvider implements ZkCredentialsProvider{_
> _CredentialsInjector credentialsInjector;_
> _..._
> _}_
> This concept can be generalized to non-digest schemes (a kind of Strategy 
> pattern) but that would require more refactoring, it can be achieved in a 
> future contribution if this one is accepted.
> Thank you in advance for your time and your comments.

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