
Jason Gerlowski commented on SOLR-16347:

Alright, a progress update for the week:

* Use of the plugin framework "just works" at the core-level, since core-level 
plugins rely on code in PluginBag that the PR is already integrated with.
* Cluster/Container-level plugins are a bit of a different story: these are 
loaded in a special ContainerPluginRegistry class that eschews the PluginBag 
abstraction that's used most other places to register and load 
handlers/apis/endpoints.  It looks like that was an intentional decision, as 
ContainerPluginRegistry explicitly _doesn't_ support RequestHandlers and is 
currently pretty specific to the 'Api' interface.
** Of course, we can change this all: either by adding separate codepaths in 
ContainerPluginRegistry for 'JerseyResource' instances, or maybe by having 
JerseyResource actually extend/implement Api in some way?
** But for now it seems reasonable to defer this, as it'd require conceptual 
changes to the plugin framework that deserve their own JIRA/discussion.
* I've improved the v2 response-POJO processing a bit so that structured 
response objects can be converted to the maps/NamedLists expected by v1 code, 
without needing the homegrown "JsonProperty" mimic we used as an aid for 
reflection previously.
* PR has metrics support, based loosely on the code in RequestHandlerBase but 
implemented as Jersey pre- and post request filters.
** Currently, V2 Jersey requests produce the same metrics as their v1 
counterparts (as long as there _is_ a corresponding v1 API).  I'm not sure if 
that's good or not: the v2 API could conceivably produce more granular metrics 
since it by-design has fewer of the endpoints that support a bazillion 
different commands.  But that seems like a larger discussion, hopefully driven 
by someone with a better appreciation for how users make use of these metrics 
in practice.
* PR now uses a Jersey exception mapper to produce the same error format as 
most Solr APIs.
* I've done most (but not all) of the memory-footprint/perf sanity-checking 
that I mentioned above.

Overall things are starting to come together.  At this point I plan on turning 
my attention next week to adding and running tests, addressing the few 
remaining TODOs, and general PR cleanup.  I'd love some additional feedback on 
the PR if anyone has a mind.  But if I don't hear much on the review front and 
I can get tests and cleanup squared away, I'd love to get the first round of 
this committed late next week (or the week after) and start moving over APIs.

If we can get this and the OpenAPI integration merged (SOLR-16346) merged, we 
could have partial, experimental auto-generated clients in one or two minor 
release's time.  Exciting!

> Add JAX-RS integration for defining v2 APIs
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-16347
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16347
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>      Security Level: Public(Default Security Level. Issues are Public) 
>          Components: v2 API
>    Affects Versions: main (10.0)
>            Reporter: Jason Gerlowski
>            Priority: Major
> SOLR-15182 rewrote our v2 APIs to use annotations using an existing 
> (in-house) framework.  But continuing to use a homegrown framework is less 
> than ideal for a few reasons:
> # Our in-house framework doesn't integrate with 3rd-party tooling like 
> OpenAPI.
> # It gives us less functionality than many off-the-shelf frameworks, at a 
> higher maintenance cost.
> # The current framework is less explicit about API inputs and outputs than 
> many off-the-shelf alternatives, making code less clear and readable for 
> developers.
> (For more on the pros/cons and for different evaluations on the tradeoff 
> here, see 
> [this|https://lists.apache.org/thread/6wx2vzfnmfgkw03b7s450zfp7yhrlz8f] 
> long-running dev@ thread.)
> The work done by SOLR-15182 makes the jump to JAX-RS reasonably 
> straightforward on an individual API basis: once the framework is in place 
> switching a given API to JAX-RS is mostly a matter of swapping out our 
> homegrown annotations for those recognized by JAX-RS and changing API method 
> signatures to better represent the API inputs/outputs.
> We should integrate Jersey or a similar JAX-RS implementation and start 
> cutting over v2 APIs to this new mode of definition.

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