Nicolas created SOLR-16288:

             Summary: Error indexing files(html, pdf) usingSOLR Cell Tika
                 Key: SOLR-16288
             Project: Solr
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: Public (Default Security Level. Issues are Public)
            Reporter: Nicolas

Hi - I am trying to index files such as html and pdf. I got the following error 
related to unique id which is defined in the curl command. The unique id is set 
with the parameter.

Can you please help? I read all the documentation of SOLR Cell and tika, and I 
am doing the steps as its described.

Here is what I enter in the cmd.

 -F "myfile=@example.pdf"{*}
    "msg":"{*}Document is missing mandatory uniqueKey field: _uniqueid{*}",

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