dsmiley commented on code in PR #851:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/851#discussion_r870625792

@@ -61,333 +61,126 @@ A rolling upgrade from Solr 8 to Solr 9 requires the 
following multiple restart
 It is always strongly recommended that you fully reindex your documents after 
a major version upgrade. For details, see the 
xref:indexing-guide:reindexing.adoc[] section, which covers several strategies 
for how to reindex.
-In Solr 8, it's possible to add docValues to a schema without re-indexing via 
`UninvertDocValuesMergePolicy`, an advanced/expert utility.
-Due to changes in Lucene 9, that isn't possible anymore; the component was 
-== Solr 9.0 Raw Notes (NOT YET EDITED)
-_(raw; not yet edited)_
-* SOLR-13854, SOLR-13858: SolrMetricProducer / SolrInfoBean APIs have changed 
and third-party components that implement these APIs need to be updated.
-* SOLR-14344: Remove Deprecated HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException and 
-All the usages are replaced by BaseHttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException and 
-* SOLR-15409: Zookeeper client libraries upgraded to 3.7.0, which may not be 
compatible with your existing server installations
-* SOLR-15809: Get rid of blacklist/whitelist terminology. JWTAuthPlugin 
parameter `algWhitelist` is now `algAllowlist`. The old parameter will still
-  work in 9.x. Environment variables `SOLR_IP_WHITELIST` and 
`SOLR_IP_BLACKLIST` are no longer supported, but replaced with 
-* SOLR-11623: Every request handler in Solr now implements 
PermissionNameProvider. Any custom or 3rd party request handler must also do 
-* SOLR-14142: Jetty low level request-logging in NCSA format is now enabled by 
default, with a retention of 3 days worth of logs.
-  This may require some more disk space for logs than was the case in 8.x. See 
Reference Guide chapter "Configuring Logging" for how to change this.
-* SOLR-15944: The Tagger's JSON response format now always uses an object/map 
to represent each tag instead of an array.
-* SOLR-15842: Async responses for backups now correctly aggregate and return 
-In previous versions there was a field returned in async backup status 
responses, `Response`. This has now been renamed to `msg`, to better fit other 
collections API responses.
-The `response` field is now a map, containing information about the backup 
(`startTime`, `indexSizeMB`, `indexFileCount`, etc.).
-* SOLR-15982: For collection's snapshot backup request responses additional 
fields `indexVersion`, `indexFileCount`, etc. were added similar to incremental 
backup request responses.
-Also, both snapshot and incremental backup request responses will now contain 
`starTime` and `endTime`.
-Snapshot backup shard's response were updated to add fields `indexFileCount` 
and `endTime`, snapshot delete shard's response were updated to add fields 
`startTime` and `endTime`.
-Previous fields `fileCount`, `snapshotCompletedAt` and `snapshotDeletedAt` of 
backup and delete shard's responses are now deprecated and will be removed in 
future releases.
-All date/time fields of backup and delete related shard's responses have been 
updated to use `Instance` instead of `Date`, meaning the output will be in the 
standard ISO 8601 Format.
-* SOLR-15884: In Backup request responses, the `response` key now uses a map 
to return information instead of a list.
-This is only applicable for users returning information in JSON format, which 
is the default behavior.
-* SOLR-14660: HDFS storage support has been moved to a module. Existing Solr 
configurations do not need any HDFS-related
-changes, however the module needs to be installed - see the section 
-* SOLR-16040: If you are using the HDFS backup repository, you need to change 
the repository class to 
`org.apache.solr.hdfs.backup.repository.HdfsBackupRepository` - see the 
xref:deployment-guide:backup-restore.adoc#hdfsbackuprepository[HDFS Backup 
Repository] section.
-* SOLR-13989: Hadoop authentication support has been moved to the hadoop-auth 
module. Existing Solr configurations do not need any Hadoop authentication 
-changes, however the module needs to be installed - see the section 
-* SOLR-15904: SQL support has been moved to the sql module. Existing Solr 
configurations do not need any SQL related
-changes, however the module needs to be installed - see the section 
-* SOLR-15950: The folder $SOLR_HOME/userfiles, used by the "cat" streaming 
expression, is no longer created automatically on startup. The user must create 
this folder.
-* SOLR-15097: JWTAuthPlugin has been moved to a module. Users need to add the 
module to classpath. The plugin has also
-  changed package name to `org.apache.solr.security.jwt`, but can still be 
loaded as shortform `class="solr.JWTAuthPlugin"`.
-* SOLR-14401: Metrics: Only SearchHandler and subclasses have "local" metrics 
-It's now tracked as if it's another handler with a "[shard]" suffix, e.g. 
-There are no longer ".distrib." named metrics; all metrics are assumed to be 
such except
-"[shard]". The default Prometheus exporter config splits that component to a 
new label
-named "internal".  The sample Grafana dashboard now filters to include or 
exclude this.
-== New Features & Enhancements
-// Fill these sub headings
-=== Docker
-=== Security
-=== Scalability
-=== Modules
-* Hadoop-auth
-* GCS-repository
-* JWT-auth
-* Scripting
-* SQL
-=== Gradle build
-=== Other
-* SOLR-13671: Allow 'var' keyword in Java sources
-// TBD
-* Replica placement plugins
-* Rate limiting and task management
-* Certificate Auth Plugin
-* SQL Query interface in UI
-== Configuration and Default Parameter Changes
-// TODO: Move into sub headings
-=== Schema Changes in 9.0
-=== Indexing Changes in 9.0
-=== Query Changes in 9.0
-=== Authentication & Security Changes in 9.0
-=== UI Changes in 9.0
-=== Dependency Updates in 9.0
-// RAW notes below
-* SOLR-7530: TermsComponent's JSON response format was changed so that "terms" 
property carries per field arrays by default regardless of distrib, terms.list, 
terms.ttf parameters.
-This affects JSON based response format but not others
-* SOLR-14036: Implicit /terms handler now returns terms across all shards in 
SolrCloud instead of only the local core.
-Users/apps may be assuming the old behavior.
-A request can be modified via the standard distrib=false param to only use the 
local core receiving the request.
-* SOLR-13783: In situations where a NamedList must be output as plain text, 
commas between key-value pairs will now be followed by a space (e.g., 
{shape=square, color=yellow} rather than {shape=square,color=yellow}) for 
consistency with other `java.util.Map` implementations based on `AbstractMap`.
-* SOLR-11725: JSON aggregations uses corrected sample formula to compute 
standard deviation and variance.
-The computation of stdDev and variance in JSON aggregation is same as 
-* SOLR-14012: unique and hll aggregations always returns long value 
irrespective of standalone or solcloud
-* SOLR-11775: Return long value for facet count in Json Facet module 
irrespective of number of shards
-* SOLR-15276: V2 API call to look up async request status restful style of 
"/cluster/command-status/1000" instead of 
-* SOLR-14972: The default port of prometheus exporter has changed from 9983 to 
8989, so you may need to adjust your configuration after upgrade.
-* SOLR-15471: The language identification "whitelist" configuration is now an 
"allowlist" to better convey the meaning of the property
+In Solr 8, it was possible to add docValues to a schema without re-indexing 
via `UninvertDocValuesMergePolicy`, an advanced/expert utility.
+Due to changes in Lucene 9, that isn't possible any more.
+== Solr 9.0
+=== Querying and Indexing
+* Dense Vector "Neural" Search through DenseVectorField fieldType and 
K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN) Query Parser.
+* Admin UI support for SQL Querying.
+* New snowball stemmers: Hindi, Indonesian, Nepali, Serbian, Tamil, and 
+* New NorwegianNormalizationFilter
+* Implicit `/terms` handler now returns terms across all shards in SolrCloud 
instead of only the local core.
+Users/apps may be assuming the old behavior. A request can be modified via the 
standard `distrib=false` param to only use the local core receiving the request.
+* SQL support has been moved to the sql module. Existing Solr configurations 
do not need any SQL related changes, however the module needs to be installed - 
see the section xref:query-guide:sql-query.adoc[].
+* SOLR-11725: JSON aggregations uses corrected sample formula to compute 
standard deviation and variance. The computation of stdDev and variance in JSON 
aggregation is same as StatsComponent.
+* SOLR-11775: Facet count in Json Facet module always returns a long value for 
irrespective of number of shards.
 * SOLR-12891: MacroExpander will no longer will expand URL parameters inside 
of the 'expr' parameter (used by streaming expressions).
-Additionally, users are advised to use the 'InjectionDefense' class when 
constructing streaming expressions that include user supplied data to avoid 
risks similar to SQL injection.
-The legacy behavior of expanding the 'expr' parameter can be reinstated with 
-DStreamingExpressionMacros=true passed to the JVM at startup
-* SOLR-13324: URLClassifyProcessor#getCanonicalUrl now throws 
MalformedURLException rather than hiding it.
-Although the present code is unlikely to produce such an exception it may be 
possible in future changes or in subclasses.
-Currently this change should only effect compatibility of custom code 
overriding this method.
-* SOLR-14510: The `writeStartDocumentList` in `TextResponseWriter` now 
receives an extra boolean parameter representing the "exactness" of the 
`numFound` value (exact vs approximation).
-Any custom response writer extending `TextResponseWriter` will need to 
implement this abstract method now (instead previous with the same name but 
without the new boolean parameter).
-* SOLR-15259: hl.fragAlignRatio now defaults to 0.33 to be faster and maybe 
looks nicer.
+Additionally, users are advised to use the 'InjectionDefense' class when 
constructing streaming expressions that include user supplied data to avoid 
risks similar to SQL injection. The legacy behavior of expanding the 'expr' 
parameter can be reinstated with -DStreamingExpressionMacros=true passed to the 
JVM at startup
 * SOLR-9376: The response format for field values serialized as raw XML (via 
the `[xml]` raw value DocTransformer
 and `wt=xml`) has changed. Previously, values were dropped in directly as 
top-level child elements of each `<doc>`,
 obscuring associated field names and yielding inconsistent `<doc>` structure. 
As of version 9.0, raw values are
 wrapped in a `<raw name="field_name">[...]</raw>` element at the top level of 
each `<doc>` (or within an enclosing
 `<arr name="field_name"><raw>[...]</raw></arr>` element for multi-valued 
fields). Existing clients that parse field
 values serialized in this way will need to be updated accordingly.
-* SOLR-9575: Solr no longer requires a `solr.xml` in `$SOLR_HOME`. If one is 
not found, Solr will instead use the default one from 
`$SOLR_TIP/server/solr/solr.xml`. You can revert to the pre-9.0 behaviour by 
setting environment variable `SOLR_SOLRXML_REQUIRED=true` or system property 
`-Dsolr.solrxml.required=true`. Solr also does not require a `zoo.cfg` in 
`$SOLR_HOME` if started with embedded zookeeper.
 * SOLR-12901: Highlighting: hl.method=unified is the new default.  Use 
-  to switch back if needed.
-* SOLR-12055 introduces async logging by default. There's a small window where 
log messages may be lost in the event of some hard crash.
-Switch back to synchronous logging if this is unacceptable, see comments in 
the log4j2 configuration files (log4j2.xml by default).
-=== solr.xml maxBooleanClauses now enforced recursively
-Lucene 9.0 has additional safety checks over previous versions that impact how 
the `solr.xml` global 
 option is enforced.
-In previous versions of Solr, this option was a hard limit on the number of 
clauses in any `BooleanQuery` object - but it was only enforced for the 
_direct_ clauses.
-Starting with Solr 9, this global limit is now also enforced against the total 
number of clauses in a _nested_ query structure.
-Users who upgrade from prior versions of Solr may find that some requests 
involving complex internal query structures (Example: long query strings using 
`edismax` with many `qf` and `pf` fields that include query time synonym 
expansion) which worked in the past now hit this limit and fail.
-User's in this situation are advised to consider the complexity f their 
queries/configuration, and increase the value of 
 if warranted.
-=== Log4J configuration & Solr MDC values
-link:http://www.slf4j.org/apidocs/org/slf4j/MDC.html[MDC] values that Solr 
sets for use by Logging calls (such as the collection name, shard name, replica 
name, etc...) have been modified to now be "bare" values, with out the special 
single character prefixes that were included in past version.
-For example: In 8.x Log messages for a collection named "gettingstarted" would 
have an MDC value with a key `collection` mapped to a value of 
`c:gettingstarted`, in 9.x the value will simply be `gettingstarted`.
-Solr's default `log4j2.xml` configuration file has been modified to prepend 
these same prefixes to MDC values when included in Log messages as part of the 
-Users who have custom logging configurations that wish to ensure Solr 9.x logs 
are consistently formatted after upgrading will need to make similar changes to 
their logging configuration files.  See  
link:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15630[SOLR-15630] for more 
-=== base_url removed from stored state
-If you're able to upgrade SolrJ to 8.8.x for all of your client applications, 
then you can set `-Dsolr.storeBaseUrl=false` (introduced in Solr 8.8.1) to 
better align the stored state in Zookeeper with future versions of Solr; as of 
Solr 9.x, the `base_url` will no longer be persisted in stored state.
-However, if you are not able to upgrade SolrJ to 8.8.x for all client 
applications, then you should set `-Dsolr.storeBaseUrl=true` so that Solr will 
continue to store the `base_url` in Zookeeper.
-For background, see: SOLR-12182 and SOLR-15145.
-Support for the `solr.storeBaseUrl` system property will be removed in Solr 
10.x and `base_url` will no longer be stored.
-* Solr's distributed tracing no longer incorporates a special 
`samplePercentage` SolrCloud cluster property.
-Instead, consult the documentation for the tracing system you use on how to 
sample the traces.
-Consequently, if you use a Tracer at all, you will always have traces and thus 
trace IDs in logs.
-What percentage of them get reported to a tracing server is up to you.
-* JaegerTracerConfigurator no longer recognizes any configuration in solr.xml.
-  It is now completely configured via System properties and/or Environment 
variables as documented by Jaeger.
-=== Schema Changes
-* `LegacyBM25SimilarityFactory` has been removed.
-* SOLR-13593 SOLR-13690 SOLR-13691: Allow to look up analyzer components by 
their SPI names in field type configuration.
-=== Authentication & Security Changes
-* The property `blockUnknown` in the BasicAuthPlugin and the JWTAuthPlugin now 
defaults to `true`.
-This change is backward incompatible.
-If you need the pre-9.0 default behavior, you need to explicitly set 
`blockUnknown:false` in `security.json`.
+to switch back if needed.
+* solr.xml `maxBooleanClauses` is now enforced recursively. Users who upgrade 
from prior versions of Solr may find that some requests involving complex 
internal query structures (Example: long query strings using `edismax` with 
many `qf` and `pf` fields that include query time synonym expansion) which 
worked in the past now hit this limit and fail. Users in this situation are 
advised to consider the complexity of their queries/configuration, and increase 
the value of 
 if warranted.
+* Atomic/partial updates to nested documents now _require_ the `\_root_` field 
to clearly show the document isn't a root document.  Solr 8 would fallback on 
the `\_route_` param but no longer.
+=== Security
+* Certificate Authentication Plugin, enabling end-to-end use of x509 client 
certificates for Authentication and Authorization.
+* Improved security when using PKI Authentication plugin.
+* Upgrade to Zookeeper 3.7, allowing for TLS protected ZK communication.
+* All request handlers support security permissions for access.
+* Ability to disable admin UI through a system property.
+* The property blockUnknown in the BasicAuthPlugin and the JWTAuthPlugin now 
defaults to true instead of false. This change is backward incompatible. If you 
need the pre-9.0 default behavior, you need to explicitly set 
`blockUnknown:false` in `security.json`.
+* Solr now runs with the Java security manager enabled by default. Hadoop 
users may need to disable this.
+* Solr now binds to localhost network interface by default for better out of 
the box security.
+Administrators that need Solr exposed more broadly can change the 
`SOLR_JETTY_HOST` property in their Solr include (solr.in.sh/solr.in.cmd) file.
+* Solr embedded zookeeper only binds to localhost by default. This embedded 
zookeeper should not be used in production.
+If you rely upon the previous behavior, then you can change the 
`clientPortAddress` in `solr/server/solr/zoo.cfg`
+* Jetty low level request-logging in NCSA format is now enabled by default, 
with a retention of 3 days worth of logs.
+This may require some more disk space for logs than was the case in 8.x. See 
Reference Guide chapter "Configuring Logging" for how to change this.
+* SOLR-13989: Hadoop authentication support has been moved to the hadoop-auth 
module. Existing Solr configurations do not need any Hadoop authentication 
related changes, however the module needs to be installed - see the section 
+* JWTAuthPlugin has been moved to a module. Users need to add the module to 
classpath. The plugin has also
+changed package name to `org.apache.solr.security.jwt`, but can still be 
loaded as shortform `class="solr.JWTAuthPlugin"`.
+* Dependency updates - A lot of dependency updates make Solr overall much more 
 * The allow-list defining allowed URLs for the `shards` parameter is not in 
the `shardHandler` configuration anymore. It is defined by the `allowUrls` 
top-level property of the `solr.xml` file. For more information, see 
xref:configuration-guide:configuring-solr-xml.adoc#allow-urls[Format of 
solr.allowUrls] documentation.
+* To improve security, `StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory` has been 
renamed as `ScriptUpdateProcessorFactory` and moved to `modules/scripting` 
package instead of shipping as part of Solr core.
+* To improve security, `XSLTResponseWriter` has been moved to 
`modules/scripting` package instead of shipping as part of Solr core.
+=== Stability and Scalability
+* Rate limiting provides a way to throttle update and search requests based on 
usage metrics.
+* Task management interface allows declaring tasks as cancellable and 
+* Ability to specify node roles in Solr. This release supports 'Overseer' and 
'Data' roles out of the box.
+* New API for pluggable replica assignment implementations that replaces the 
auto-scaling framework.
+* Support for distributed processing of cluster state updates and collection 
API calls, without relying on the Overseer.
+=== Build and Docker
+* Solr is now built and released independently of Lucene (separate Apache 
+* Build system switched to Gradle, no longer uses Ant + Ivy.
+* Docker image creation is now a part of the Apache Solr GitHub repo.
+* Docker image documentation is now a part of the reference guide.
+* Official Docker image upgraded to use JDK17 (by Eclipse Temurin) and ability 
to create functionally identical local image.
-* SOLR-13985: Solr's Jetty now binds to localhost network interface by default 
for better out of the box security.
-Administrators that need Solr exposed more broadly can change the 
SOLR_JETTY_HOST property in their Solr include (solr.in.sh/solr.in.cmd) file.
-* SOLR-14147: Solr now runs with the java security manager enabled by default. 
Administrators that need to run Solr with Hadoop will need to disable this 
feature by setting SOLR_SECURITY_MANAGER_ENABLED=false in the environment or in 
one of the Solr init scripts. Other features in Solr could also break. (Robert 
Muir, marcussorealheis)
-* SOLR-14118: Solr embedded zookeeper only binds to localhost by default.
-This embedded zookeeper should not be used in production.
-If you rely upon the previous behavior, then you can change the 
clientPortAddress in solr/server/solr/zoo.cfg
-=== Module Changes
-* **SOLR-15917: "Contrib modules" have been renamed to "Modules", and have 
been moved from the `contrib/` to `modules/`.**
-Use of these modules remains the same, except for the changes listed below.
-* SOLR-15916: `dist/` is no longer provided in the binary release.
-All module jars are now provided under `modules/<name>/lib`, including the 
module jar and all dependency jars.
-Please update your `<lib>` entries in your `solrconfig.xml` to use this new 
-More information can be found in the 
-* SOLR-14067: `StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory` moved to 
`modules/scripting` package instead of shipping as part of Solr, due to 
security concerns.
-Renamed to ScriptUpdateProcessorFactory for simpler name.
-* SOLR-15121: `XSLTResponseWriter` moved to `modules/scripting` package instead
-of shipping as part of Solr, due to security concerns.
-* SOLR-14926: `modules/clustering` back and rewritten
-* SOLR-14912: Cleaned up solr-extraction module to produce solr-extraction-* 
jar (instead of solr-cell-*). (Dawid Weiss)
-* SOLR-15924: Extra lucene libraries used in modules are no longer packaged in 
`lucene-libs/` under module directories in the binary release.
+=== Other
+* Contrib modules are now just "modules". You can easily enable module(s) 
through environment variable `SOLR_MODULES`.
+* Features lifted out as separate modules are: HDFS, Hadoop-Auth, SQL, 
Scripting, and JWT-Auth.
+* The "dist" folder in the release has been removed. Please update your 
`<lib>` entries in your `solrconfig.xml` to use the new location.
+** The `solr-core` and `solr-solrj` jars can be found under 
+** The Solr module jars and their dependencies can be found in 
`modules/<module-name>/lib`, packaged individually for each module.
+** The `solrj-deps` (SolrJ Dependencies) are no longer separated out from the 
other Server jars.
+** Please refer to the SolrJ Maven artifact to see the exact dependencies you 
need to include from `server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/` and 
`server/lib/ext/` if you are loading in SolrJ manually.
+If you plan on using SolrJ as a JDBC driver, please refer to the 
xref:query-guide:sql-query.adoc#generic-clients[JDBC documentation]
+** More information can be found in the 
+* SolrJ class `CloudSolrClient` now supports HTTP2. It has a new Builder. See 
CloudLegacySolrClient for the 8.x version of this class.
+* In Backup request responses, the `response` key now uses a map to return 
information instead of a list. This is only applicable for users returning 
information in JSON format, which is the default behavior.
+* SolrMetricProducer / SolrInfoBean APIs have changed and third-party 
components that implement these APIs need to be updated.
+* Use of blacklist/whitelist terminology has been completely removed. 
JWTAuthPlugin parameter `algWhitelist` is now `algAllowlist`. The old parameter 
will still work in 9.x. Environment variables `SOLR_IP_WHITELIST` and 
`SOLR_IP_BLACKLIST` are no longer supported, but replaced with 
+* Solr Backups - Async responses for backups now correctly aggregate and 
return information. For collection's snapshot backup request responses 
additional fields `indexVersion`, `indexFileCount`, etc. were added similar to 
incremental backup request responses.
+* If you are using the HDFS backup repository, you need to change the 
repository class to 
`org.apache.solr.hdfs.backup.repository.HdfsBackupRepository` - see the 
xref:deployment-guide:backup-restore.adoc#hdfsbackuprepository[HDFS Backup 
Repository] section.
+* HDFS storage support has been moved to a module. Existing Solr 
configurations do not need any HDFS-related
+changes, however the module needs to be installed - see the section 
+* The folder `$SOLR_HOME/userfiles`, used by the "cat" streaming expression, 
is no longer created automatically on startup. The user must create this folder.
+* SOLR-9575: Solr no longer requires a `solr.xml` in `$SOLR_HOME`. If one is 
not found, Solr will instead use the default one from 
`$SOLR_TIP/server/solr/solr.xml`. You can revert to the pre-9.0 behaviour by 
setting environment variable `SOLR_SOLRXML_REQUIRED=true` or system property 
`-Dsolr.solrxml.required=true`. Solr also does not require a `zoo.cfg` in 
`$SOLR_HOME` if started with embedded zookeeper.
+* `base_url` has been removed from stored cluster state. If you're able to 
upgrade SolrJ to 8.8.x for all of your client applications, then you can set 
`-Dsolr.storeBaseUrl=false` (introduced in Solr 8.8.1) to better align the 
stored state in Zookeeper with future versions of Solr; as of Solr 9.x, the 
`base_url` will no longer be persisted in stored state.
+However, if you are not able to upgrade SolrJ to 8.8.x for all client 
applications, then you should set `-Dsolr.storeBaseUrl=true` so that Solr will 
continue to store the `base_url` in Zookeeper. For background, see: 
link:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-12182[SOLR-12182] and 
link:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15145[SOLR-15145]. Support for 
the `solr.storeBaseUrl` system property will be removed in Solr 10.x and 
`base_url` will no longer be stored.
+* Analyzer components can now be looked up by their SPI names based on the 
field type configuration.
+* solr-extraction module has been cleaned up to produce solr-extraction-* jar 
instead of solr-cell-* jars.
+* Extra lucene libraries used in modules are no longer packaged in 
`lucene-libs/` under module directories in the binary release.
 Instead, these libraries will be included with all other module dependencies 
in `lib/`.
-* SOLR-15954: The prometheus-exporter is no longer packaged as a Solr module. 
It can be found under `solr/prometheus-exporter/`.
+=== Logging and Metrics
+* Metrics handler only depends on SolrJ instead of core and has its own 
`log4j2.xml` and no longer shares Solr’s logging config.
+* SOLR-14401: Metrics: Only SearchHandler and subclasses have "local" metrics 
now. It's now tracked as if it's another handler with a "[shard]" suffix, e.g. 

Review Comment:
   Your change is from the viewpoint of our prometheus configuration that we 
ship with 9.  But for Solr directly, you removed what I wrote which is accurate.

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