cpoerschke commented on a change in pull request #744:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/744#discussion_r827855990

File path: 
@@ -2225,9 +2225,7 @@ protected String getBaseUrl(HttpSolrClient client) {
   public static SolrInputDocument getDoc(Object... fields) throws Exception {
-    SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
-    addFields(doc, fields);
-    return doc;
+    return sdoc(fields);

Review comment:
       outside scope in this PR here but perhaps long-term only one of `getDoc` 
and `sdoc` could be kept then.

File path: solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/update/PeerSyncTest.java
@@ -216,23 +218,27 @@ public void test() throws Exception {
     add(client0, seenLeader, sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v), 
"_version_", v));
     int toAdd = numVersions + 10;
-    for (int i = 0; i < toAdd; i++) {
-      add(
-          client0,
-          seenLeader,
-          sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v + i + 1), "_version_", v + i + 
-      add(
-          client1,
-          seenLeader,
-          sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v + i + 1), "_version_", v + i + 
-      docsAdded.add((int) v + i + 1);
-    }
+    int offset = (int) v;
+    add(
+        client0,
+        seenLeader,
+        IntStream.range(0, toAdd)
+            .map(i -> i + offset + 1)
+            .mapToObj(i -> sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i), "_version_", i))
+            .collect(Collectors.toList()));

Review comment:
       Wondering if the logic could be simplified by moving the +offset and +1 
into the loop/range?
           IntStream.rangeClosed(1 + offset, toAdd + offset)
               .mapToObj(i -> sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i), "_version_", i))

File path: 
@@ -569,31 +570,69 @@ protected void index(Object... fields) throws Exception {
+  private SolrClient clientFor(SolrInputDocument doc) {
+    return clients.get((doc.getField(id).toString().hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % 
+  }
   /** Indexes the document in both the control client, and a randomly selected 
client */
   protected void indexDoc(SolrInputDocument doc) throws IOException, 
SolrServerException {
+    indexDoc(clientFor(doc), null, doc);
+  }
+  protected void indexDoc(SolrClient client, SolrParams params, 
SolrInputDocument doc)
+      throws IOException, SolrServerException {
     if (shardCount == 0) { // mostly for temp debugging
-    int which = (doc.getField(id).toString().hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % 
-    SolrClient client = clients.get(which);
+  /**
+   * Indexes the stream of documents in both the control client and randomly 
selected clients (per
+   * batch)
+   */
+  public void indexDocs(Iterator<SolrInputDocument> docs) throws 
SolrServerException, IOException {
+    int batchSize = 100; // TODO make configurable?
+    List<SolrInputDocument> batch = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
+    while (docs.hasNext()) {
+      batch.add(docs.next());
+      if (batch.size() == batchSize) {
+        indexDocs(clientFor(batch.get(0)), null, batch);
+        batch.clear();
+      }
+    }
+    if (batch.size() > 0) {

Review comment:
       if (!batch.isEmpty()) {

File path: solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/update/PeerSyncTest.java
@@ -216,23 +218,27 @@ public void test() throws Exception {
     add(client0, seenLeader, sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v), 
"_version_", v));
     int toAdd = numVersions + 10;
-    for (int i = 0; i < toAdd; i++) {
-      add(
-          client0,
-          seenLeader,
-          sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v + i + 1), "_version_", v + i + 
-      add(
-          client1,
-          seenLeader,
-          sdoc("id", Integer.toString((int) v + i + 1), "_version_", v + i + 
-      docsAdded.add((int) v + i + 1);
-    }
+    int offset = (int) v;
+    add(
+        client0,
+        seenLeader,
+        IntStream.range(0, toAdd)
+            .map(i -> i + offset + 1)
+            .mapToObj(i -> sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i), "_version_", i))
+            .collect(Collectors.toList()));
+    add(
+        client1,
+        seenLeader,
+        IntStream.range(0, toAdd)
+            .map(i -> i + offset + 1)
+            .mapToObj(i -> sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i), "_version_", i))
+            .collect(Collectors.toList()));

Review comment:
           IntStream.rangeClosed(1 + offset, toAdd + offset)
               .mapToObj(i -> sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i), "_version_", i))

File path: 
@@ -77,27 +81,32 @@ public void buildIndex() throws Exception {
     log.info("Building an index of {} docs", NUM_DOCS);
     // we want a big spread in the long values we use, decrement by BIG_PRIME 
as we index
-    long longValue = MAX_LONG;
-    for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_DOCS; i++) {
-      // with these values, we know that every doc indexed has a unique value 
in all of the
-      // fields we will compute cardinality against.
-      // which means the number of docs matching a query is the true 
cardinality for each field
-      final String strValue = "s" + longValue;
-      indexDoc(
-          sdoc(
-              "id", "" + i,
-              "int_i", "" + i,
-              "int_i_prehashed_l", "" + HASHER.hashInt(i).asLong(),
-              "long_l", "" + longValue,
-              "long_l_prehashed_l", "" + HASHER.hashLong(longValue).asLong(),
-              "string_s", strValue,
-              "string_s_prehashed_l",
-                  "" + HASHER.hashString(strValue, 
-      longValue -= BIG_PRIME;
-    }
+    final AtomicLong longValue = new AtomicLong(MAX_LONG);
+    Iterator<SolrInputDocument> docs =
+        IntStream.range(1, NUM_DOCS + 1)

Review comment:
       Would `rangeClosed` be equivalent but clearer?
           IntStream.rangeClosed(1, NUM_DOCS)

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