cpoerschke commented on a change in pull request #736:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/736#discussion_r824944652

File path: 
@@ -290,6 +299,9 @@ public static NavigableObject assertResponseValues(
+      if (passed) {
+        return rsp;

Review comment:

File path: solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/TestContainerPlugin.java
@@ -69,214 +68,168 @@
   private Phaser phaser;
-  public void setup() {
+  public void setup() throws Exception {
     System.setProperty("enable.packages", "true");
     phaser = new Phaser();
+    int nodes = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 4 : 2;
+    cluster = configureCluster(nodes).withJettyConfig(jetty -> 
-  public void teardown() {
+  public void teardown() throws Exception {
+    shutdownCluster();
   public void testApi() throws Exception {
-    MiniSolrCloudCluster cluster =
-        configureCluster(4).withJettyConfig(jetty -> 
-    ContainerPluginsRegistry pluginsRegistry =
-    pluginsRegistry.setPhaser(phaser);
     int version = phaser.getPhase();
-    String errPath = "/error/details[0]/errorMessages[0]";
-    try {
-      PluginMeta plugin = new PluginMeta();
+    PluginMeta plugin = new PluginMeta();
+    V2Request addPlugin =
+        new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
+            .forceV2(true)
+            .POST()
+            .withPayload(singletonMap("add", plugin))
+            .build();
+    // test with an invalid class
+    try (ErrorLogMuter errors = 
ErrorLogMuter.substring("TestContainerPlugin$C2")) {
       plugin.name = "testplugin";
       plugin.klass = C2.class.getName();
-      // test with an invalid class
-      V2Request req =
-          new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
-              .forceV2(true)
-              .POST()
-              .withPayload(singletonMap("add", plugin))
-              .build();
-      expectError(req, cluster.getSolrClient(), errPath, "No method with 
@Command in class");
-      // test with a valid class. This should succeed now
-      plugin.klass = C3.class.getName();
-      req.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      // just check if the plugin is indeed registered
-      V2Request readPluginState =
-          new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin").forceV2(true).GET().build();
-      V2Response rsp = readPluginState.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      assertEquals(C3.class.getName(), rsp._getStr("/plugin/testplugin/class", 
-      // let's test the plugin
-      TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
-          10,
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("/plugin/my/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()),
-          ImmutableMap.of("/testkey", "testval"));
-      // now remove the plugin
-      new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
-          .POST()
-          .forceV2(true)
-          .withPayload("{remove : testplugin}")
-          .build()
-          .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      // verify it is removed
-      rsp = readPluginState.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      assertEquals(null, rsp._get("/plugin/testplugin/class", null));
+      expectError(addPlugin, "No method with @Command in class");
+      assertEquals(1, errors.getCount());
+    }
+    // test with a valid class. This should succeed now
+    plugin.klass = C3.class.getName();
+    addPlugin.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
+    version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+    // just check if the plugin is indeed registered
+    Callable<V2Response> readPluginState = getPlugin("/cluster/plugin");
+    V2Response rsp = readPluginState.call();
+    assertEquals(C3.class.getName(), rsp._getStr("/plugin/testplugin/class", 
+    // let's test the plugin
+    TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
+        getPlugin("/plugin/my/plugin"), Map.of("/testkey", "testval"));
+    // now remove the plugin
+    new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
+        .POST()
+        .forceV2(true)
+        .withPayload("{remove : testplugin}")
+        .build()
+        .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
+    version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+    // verify it is removed
+    rsp = readPluginState.call();
+    assertNull(rsp._get("/plugin/testplugin/class", null));
+    try (ErrorLogMuter errors = 
ErrorLogMuter.substring("TestContainerPlugin$C4")) {
       // test with a class  @EndPoint methods. This also uses a template in 
the path name
       plugin.klass = C4.class.getName();
       plugin.name = "collections";
       plugin.pathPrefix = "collections";
-      expectError(
-          req, cluster.getSolrClient(), errPath, "path must not have a prefix: 
-      plugin.name = "my-random-name";
-      plugin.pathPrefix = "my-random-prefix";
-      req.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      // let's test the plugin
-      TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
-          10,
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("/my-random-name/my/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()),
-          ImmutableMap.of("/method.name", "m1"));
-      TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
-          10,
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()),
-          ImmutableMap.of("/method.name", "m2"));
-      // now remove the plugin
-      new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
-          .POST()
-          .forceV2(true)
-          .withPayload("{remove : my-random-name}")
-          .build()
-          .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      expectFail(
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()));
-      expectFail(
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()));
-      // test ClusterSingleton plugin
-      plugin.name = "clusterSingleton";
-      plugin.klass = C6.class.getName();
-      req.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      // just check if the plugin is indeed registered
-      readPluginState = new 
-      rsp = readPluginState.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      assertEquals(C6.class.getName(), 
rsp._getStr("/plugin/clusterSingleton/class", null));
-      assertTrue("ccProvided", C6.ccProvided);
-      assertTrue("startCalled", C6.startCalled);
-      assertFalse("stopCalled", C6.stopCalled);
-      assertEquals(CConfig.class, ContainerPluginsRegistry.getConfigClass(new 
-      assertEquals(CConfig.class, ContainerPluginsRegistry.getConfigClass(new 
-      assertEquals(CConfig.class, ContainerPluginsRegistry.getConfigClass(new 
-      CConfig cfg = new CConfig();
-      cfg.boolVal = Boolean.TRUE;
-      cfg.strVal = "Something";
-      cfg.longVal = 1234L;
-      PluginMeta p = new PluginMeta();
-      p.name = "hello";
-      p.klass = CC.class.getName();
-      p.config = cfg;
-      new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
-          .forceV2(true)
-          .POST()
-          .withPayload(singletonMap("add", p))
-          .build()
-          .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
-          10,
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("hello/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()),
-          ImmutableMap.of(
-              "/config/boolVal", "true", "/config/strVal", "Something", 
"/config/longVal", "1234"));
-      cfg.strVal = "Something else";
-      new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
-          .forceV2(true)
-          .POST()
-          .withPayload(singletonMap("update", p))
-          .build()
-          .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
-      version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, 
-      TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
-          10,
-          () ->
-              new V2Request.Builder("hello/plugin")
-                  .forceV2(true)
-                  .GET()
-                  .build()
-                  .process(cluster.getSolrClient()),
-          ImmutableMap.of(
-              "/config/boolVal", "true", "/config/strVal", cfg.strVal, 
"/config/longVal", "1234"));
-      // kill the Overseer leader
-      for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
-        if 
(!jetty.getCoreContainer().getZkController().getOverseer().isClosed()) {
-          cluster.stopJettySolrRunner(jetty);
-          cluster.waitForJettyToStop(jetty);
-        }
+      expectError(addPlugin, "path must not have a prefix: collections");
+      assertEquals(1, errors.getCount());
+    }
+    plugin.name = "my-random-name";
+    plugin.pathPrefix = "my-random-prefix";
+    addPlugin.process(cluster.getSolrClient());
+    version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+    // let's test the plugin
+    TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
+        getPlugin("/my-random-name/my/plugin"), Map.of("/method.name", "m1"));
+    TestDistribPackageStore.assertResponseValues(
+        getPlugin("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin"), Map.of("/method.name", 
+    // now remove the plugin
+    new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/plugin")
+        .POST()
+        .forceV2(true)
+        .withPayload("{remove : my-random-name}")
+        .build()
+        .process(cluster.getSolrClient());
+    version = phaser.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(version, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+    try (ErrorLogMuter errors = 
ErrorLogMuter.substring("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin")) {
+      expectFail(() -> getPlugin("/my-random-prefix/their/plugin").call());
+      assertEquals(2, errors.getCount());
+    }

Review comment:
       Two calls before (not sure why) but only one call afterwards, could we 
have a comment re: why two errors for the one call?

File path: 
@@ -225,6 +229,11 @@ public String toString() {
+  public static <T extends NavigableObject> T assertResponseValues(
+      Callable<T> callable, Map<String, Object> vals) throws Exception {
+    return assertResponseValues(1, callable, vals);

Review comment:
       Noting that it seems that (at least some) of the callers used `10` 
repeats before but now the default is `1` here.

File path: solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/TestContainerPlugin.java
@@ -548,16 +473,28 @@ public void m2(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse 
rsp) {
+  private Callable<V2Response> getPlugin(String path) {

Review comment:
       Is there a `.forceV2(true)` needed here, sometimes? 
`V2Request.Builder.forceV2` javadocs say "Only for testing. It's always true 
otherwise" but that doesn't seem to be true actually?
     private Callable<V2Response> getPlugin(String path, bool forceV2) {

File path: solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/handler/TestContainerPlugin.java
@@ -293,129 +246,101 @@ private void expectFail(ThrowingRunnable runnable) 
throws Exception {
   public void testApiFromPackage() throws Exception {
-    MiniSolrCloudCluster cluster =
-        configureCluster(4).withJettyConfig(jetty -> 
     String FILE1 = "/myplugin/v1.jar";
     String FILE2 = "/myplugin/v2.jar";
-    ContainerPluginsRegistry pluginsRegistry =
-    pluginsRegistry.setPhaser(phaser);
     int version = phaser.getPhase();
     String errPath = "/error/details[0]/errorMessages[0]";

Review comment:

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