Irfan1 created SOLR-15554:

             Summary: How to create a Report
                 Key: SOLR-15554
             Project: Solr
          Issue Type: Improvement
      Security Level: Public (Default Security Level. Issues are Public)
          Components: Hadoop Integration
    Affects Versions: 8.9
            Reporter: Irfan1

Hi Team,

I started learning Apache solr last week, can you please help in for below 
things i want to complete. Please share a Steps to perform the below activity. 

Whats the steps i have to take when integrate with HDP Hive.

1.Ability to create custom reports

2.Ability to establish relationships between different tables and create data 
models and feed the same to BI layer through API link or CSV files or DB tables

3.Ability to process and schedule custom reports to clients/internal team on 
email/S3 bucket 4.Ability to share table(s) access to clients/internal team via 
database tables, S3 and API link – API link us there, but no update on S3 and 
DB tables

5. Easy UI/UX for business users to view/query/download data

6. Access restrictions for group of users/clients

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